$ The NIORTIFICATIódd` in the miditof temptations; but when he calls us to eternal admiration and con- templation, withòur interruption, he will make a new manner of difcovery of him_ fell, and the whole fhape of things, as it now lies before us, will depart as a fhadow. (a.) We are dull and flow of heart to receive the things that are in the word re- veal'd. God by our infirmity and weaknefs, keeping us incontinual dependence on him, for teachings and revelations of himfelf out of his word, never in this world bringing any foul to the utmofk of what is from the word to be made out and-dif- cover'd ; fo that altho the wayof revelation in the gofpel be clear andevident, yet we know little of the things themfelves that arereveal d. TWIRilf&M,i,"'" 'MAT& CHAP. XIII. The ninth dìretlìon. When the heart is difquieted by fin, fpeak no peace tó it, until God fpeak it. Peace, without deteffation offin, unfound. So is peace meafured out unto ourfelves. jlow we may know when we meáfure our peace unto ourfelves. Direïiions as to that enquiry. The vanity of fpeáking peace fdigbtly. 4f -óf doing it on one fiugular ac- count not univerJálly. IN2'HL , In cafe God difquiet the heart about the guilt of itsdiflern- pets, either in refpeft of its root and indwelling, or m refpe& of any eruptions of it, take.heed thou fpealtefl not peace to thy fell before God fpealis it ; but hearken what he fays to city foul. This is our next h dire&ion ; without the obfervatiohwhereof, the heart will be exceed- ingly expeled to the deceitfulnefs of fin. This is a buinefs of great importance. It is a fad thing for a Man to deceive . own foul herein. All the warnings God gives us in_tendernefs to our fouls, to try and examine ourfelves, do tend to the preventing of this great evil of (peaking peace groundlefly to ourfelves, which is upon the Kite to blefs ourfelves in an op- pofttion to God. It is not my buinefs to inhft upon the danger of it, but to help believers to prevent it, and to let them know when they do fo. To manage this dire&ion aright obferve. t. That as it is the great prerogative and faveraignty of God, to give grace to whom he pleafes (He bathmercy on whom he will, Rom. ix. 16. and among all the . foes of men, he calls whomhe will, and fan&ides whom he will) fo among ahofe fo call'd and juflify'd, and whom he will fave, he yet referees this privilege to him - fell, to fpeak peace to whom he pleafeth, and in what degree he plcafeth, even a- mongll them on whom he bath bellow'dgrace. Ile is the God of all confolation, in an efpecial manner in his dealing with believers: that is, of the good things that he keeps lack'd up in his.family, and gives out of it to all his children at his pleafure. This theLord matson, Ifa. lvii. 16, t7, IS. it is the cafe raider conhderanou that is there infrfted on. When God rays he will heal their breaches and difconfolations, he affu,ees this privilege to himfelf in an efpecial manner, I create it, v. r9, even in refpe& of thefe poor wounded creatures I create it, and according to rny foveraignty make it out as I pleafe. 2. As God creates it forwhom he pleafeth, Co . it is the prerogative of Chrift to fpeak it home to the confcience : fpeaking to the church of Latdicea, who had heal'd herwounds fafely, and fpoke peace to herfelf when The ought not; he takes to him- fell that Title, I am the Amen, thefaithful witnef, Rev. iii. rq. Ile bears teflimony concerning our condition as it is indeed; we may poffibly millake, and trouble our- fetes in vain, or flatter ourfelves upon. falfe grounds, but he is the Amen, the faith- ful NA itnefs; and what he fpeaks ofour ftateand condition, that iris indeed. I,ra. xi. 3. he isSaid not to judgeaccording to the fight of the eye, not according toany out-. ward