Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

f °JIN in BELIEVERS. 43 , ,ß+íF ú ,.w7, 4 Stir Lr+rr.. -Ve*+ Art_. .v..s ,,,.,., K NA rliZNèiJà\ é 9LZJá-Jcl É.:a* C H A P. XIV. Thegeneral ufe of the foregoing direSions. The great direorlion for the accomplifhment of the work aimed at. A3 faith on Chrifl ; the fe- veral ways whereby this may be done. Confderation of the fùllnefs in Chrifi for relief propofed. Great ezpectlations from Chriff ; grounds ofthefe expectations. His mercifulnefs,his faithfulnef. Event o f fuch expecrlations : On the part ofChrifl; On the part of believers. Faithpeculiarly to be ac`led on the death of Chrifl; Rom. vi. 3, 4, 5, 6. The work ofthe Spirit in this whole bufnefs. NO W the confiderations which I have hitherto infffed on, are rather of things preparatory to the work aimed at, than fuch as will effe£I it. It is the heart's due preparation for the work is fel i without which it will not complifhed, that hitherto I have aimed at. Dire£tions for the workit telf are very few ; I mean that are peculiar to it. And be acthey are thefe that follow. T. Set faith at work on Chris for the killing of thy fin. His blood is the great fovereignremedy for fin-fick fouls. Live in this, and thou wile die a conqueror. Yea, thou wilt through the good providenceof God, live to fee thy loftdead at thy feet. But thou wilt fay, How (hall faithaft itfelfon Chris for this end and purgate ? I fay fundry ways. (,.) By faith fill thyfoul with a due confideration of that provifion, which is laid. up in Jefus Chrift for this end and purpofe, that all thy lufts, this very luSwherewith thou art entangled, maybe mortify'd. By faith ponder on this, that though thou art no wayable in or by thy fell; to get the conqueft over thy difiemper, though thou art even weary ofcontending (a); and art utterly ready to faint, yet that there is enough in. Jefus Chrift, to yield thee relief. Phil. iv. t 3. It Said the prodigal when he was ready to faint, that yet there was bread enough in his father's houle, though he was at a difiance from it, yet it relieved him, and Said him, that there it was. In thy greateS diSrefs and anguifh, confider that fullnefs of grace, thole riches, thofe tree- fluesof Srength, might andhelp, that are laid up in him, for our fupport, Yob. i. 16. Cl. i. 19. Let them come into, and abide in thy mind. Confider that he is exalted and made a prince ánd Saviour ro give repentance unto Ifrael, Alts. v. 31. and If to give repentance, to give mortification, without which the other is not, nor canbe : Cluifi tells us that we obtain purging grace by abiding in him, e hm xi,: 3. To a£b faith upon the fullnefs that is inChris for our fupply, is an eminent way ofabiding in Chris, for both our incifion and abode is by faith, Rom. xi. 19, zo. Let then thy foul by faith beexercifed with fuch thoughts and apprehenfionsas thefe : I am apoor, weak creature ; unifiable as water, I cannot excel ; this corruption is too hard for me, and is at the verydoor of ruining my foul ; and what todo I knownot; my foulis become as parched groundand an habitation of dragons : I have made promifes and broken them, vows and engagements have been as a thingof nought ; many per- fuafrons have -I had, that I had got thevi£iory andShould be delivered, but I am de- ceived ; fo that I plainly fee, that without fome emin nt fuccour and affifiance, I am loft, and (hall be prevailed on, to an utter relinquifhment of God ; but yet though this be my Sate and condition, yet let the hands that hand down be lifted up, and (a) Luke avi. 17. the