46 The MORTIFICATION graces and ordinances whatever. He that expefts any thing from a Man, applies himfelf to theways and means whereby it may be obtained. Thebeggar that ex- peas an alms, lies at his door or in his way, from whom he Both expel it. The way whereby, and the means wherein Chrift communicates himfelf is, and are, his ordinances ordinarily : he that expefts any thing from him, muff attend upon him therein. It is the expe£tationof faith that fets the heart on work. 'Tis not an idle gropndlefs hopethat I speak of. If now there be any vigor, efficacy, and power in prayer or Sacrament to this end of mortifying fin, a man will affuredly be intereft- ed in it all, by this expeftationof relief from Chrift. On this account I reduce all particular afings, by prayer, meditation, and the like to this head and fo {hall not farther infiß on themwhen they are grounded on this bottom and spring from this Root; they are of fingular ufe to thispurpofe ; and not elfe. Now on this dire£tiou for the mortification of a prevailing diftemper you may have a thoufind probatvm f'a;' Who have walked with God under this temptation and have not found the ufè and fuereis of it ? I dare leave the foul under it, with- out adding, any more. Only feme particulars relating thereunto may be menti- oced. (r. AO faith peculiarly upon the death, blood, and crofs of Chrift, that is, on Chrift as crucified and fain, mortification of fin, is peculiarly from the death of Chrift. It is one peculiar yea eminentend of the death of Chrift, which (hall affuredly be accomplifhedby it. He died to defiroy the worksof the Devil; what- evercame upon our natures by his firß temptation, whatever receivesfirength in our perfons by his daily fuggeßions, Chrift died to defiroy it all. Hegave himfelffor us, 'that he might redeemus from all iniquity and purify unto himfelf a peculiar people zealous ofgood works, Tit. ii. t4. This was his aim andIntendment., (wherein he will not fail) in his giving himfelf for us. That we might be freed from the power ofour fins, and purified from all our defiling lulls was his delta. Hegave himfelffar the church; that he might fanttlify and cleanfe it, that he might prefent it to himfelf, o, glorious church; not having{pot or wrinkle or any fach thing, but that it fhould be holy and without blemifh Eph. v. 25, 26, 27. And this, by virtue of his death, in various and fevers! degrees {hall be accomplifheds Hence- our waffling, purging, and cleanfrng, is every where; afcribed to his blood, t john i. 7. Heb.i. 3. Rev. i. 5. That being fprinkled on us, purger our confciencet fromdead works to ferve the living God, Feb. ix. tl.. This is that we aim at, this we are in purfuit of; that our confciences may be purged from dead works, that theymay be rooted out, deßroyed, and have place in as no more. This {hall certainly be brought about bythe death of Chrift ; there will virtue go outfrom thence to this purpofe. Indeed all fupplies of the fpirit, all communicationsof grace and power are from hence, asI have elfewhere {hewed. Thus the apsßle Rates it, Rom: vi. a. is thecafe propofed that we have inhead, how {hall we that are dead in fin live any longer therein ? Dead to finby profeflion ; dead to fin by obligation tobe fo : dead to-fin by a participation of vertue and power for the killing of it : dead to fin by union and intereft in thrift, and by whom it is killed : how {hall we live therein? This he preffes by fundryconfederations, all taken from the death of Chrift, in the enfaing verfes. This mull not be v. 3. Knowyou not thatfe manyofus at were baptized into yefus Chrift.roere baptized into his death? We have in baptifm anevidence ofour implantation into Chrifi : we are baptized into him ; but what of him arewe baptized into an intereft in ? His death faith he : if indeed we are baptized into Chrifi, and beyond outward profeflioa, we arebaptized into his death. The explication ofthis, of one being baptized intothe deathof Chrifi, the apoßle gives us, v. iv. 5. Therefore ive are buried with hint by bap. tifine into death, that 10e at Chrifi was raifed u?from the dead by the gloryofthefather; -oven fo ran alfa ßmuld walk in newnefi of life knowing this, that our old man is crucifyed with hits thathenceforth wefhauld not ferve fn. This is, faith he, our being baptized into the death of Chrift, namely our conformity thereunto. To be dead unto fin, to have our cor- ruptions mortify'd, as he was put to death for fin ; fo that as he was raifed op to glory, we may be raifed up to grace andnewnefsof life. He tellsas whence it is that we have this baptifm into the death of Chrift, v. 6. and this is from the death of Chrift itfelf : Our old man is crucifyed with him, that the body of fin might be deflrayed': aupssugw5x : is crucifyed with him ; not in refp,e£t of time, but caufality; _we are crucifyed with him, meritorioußy in that he procured the fpirit for us, to mortify fin ; efficiently, in that from his death virtue comes forth for our crucifying; in the way of reprefentation andexemplars we (hall affuredly be crucifyed unto fen, as he was