Of BIN in BELIEVERS. 47 was for our fin. This is that theapoftle intends ; Chrift by his death deftroying the works ofthe devil, procuring the fpiric for us, bath fo killed fin, as to its reign inbe- lievers, that it 1hall not obtain its end and Dominion. Then aft faith on the death of Chrift (a) and that under theft twonotions, Fi>j, in expe£fatioi of power ; Secondlÿ, in endeavours for conformity. For the first, the dtreftiongiven in generalmay fuffide. As to the latter, that of the apoftle may give usfome light into our direetion, Gal. iii. 1. let faith look onChriI in the Gofpel, as he is fet forth dying 'and crucifyed for us. Look on him under the weight (b) of our fins, praying, bleeding, dying : bring him in that condition into thy heart by faith ; apply his bloodfo Shed to thycorruptions do this daily. I might draw out this con- federation to a great length, in fundry particulars, but I mutt come to a clofe: I have only then toadd theheadsof thework of the fpirit in this bufinefs of Morti- fication, which ispeculiarly afcribed to him. z. In one word : this would work whichnave defcribed as our duty, is effefbed, carried on and accomplilhed by tqepower of the fpirit, in all the parts and degrees of it; as 1.) He alone clearly and fully convinces the heart of the evil and guilt and danger of the corruption, loft, or fin to be mortified. Without this convftion, or whilft it is faint, that the heart can wreftle with it, or digeft it, there will be no thorough work made. An unbelieving heart (as in part we have all fuch) will fuit with any confederation, until it be over-powered, by clear and evident convirions, now this is theproper work of the fpirit, heconvincer offin, John. xvi. 8. he alone can do it ; if mens rational confrderations, with the preachingof the letter, were able to convince them of fin, we Mould, it may be, fee more conviflions thanwe do. There comes by thepreachingofthe wordand apprehenfion upon the underfiandingsof men that they are Sinners, that fuch and fuch things are fins, that themfelves are guilty ofthem ; but this light is not powerful, nor doth it lay hold on thepra£tical prmcipleg of the foul, fo as to conform the mind and will unto them, to produce affetta fuitable to fuchan apprehenfion. And therefore it is, that wife and knowingmen, deftitute of the fpirit, do not think thofe thingstobe fins at all, wherein the chiefmovingsand aflings of luft do confift. It is the fpirit alone that can do, that doth this work to the purpofe. And this is the first thingthat the fpirit doth in order to theMortification ofany lull whatever ; it convinces the foul.of theevil of it ; cuts off all its pleas, difcoversall its deceits; Stopsall its evafions, aofwers its pretences, makes the foul own itsabomination, and lye down under the fenfe of it. Unfs this be done all that follows is in vain. z.) The fpiritalone reveales unto us the fullnefs of.Chrift for our relief, which is theconfderation that hays the heart from falfeways, and from defpairing defpondency, 1 Cor. ii. 8. 3.) Thefpirit aloneeftablifhesshe heart in expe&ation of relieffrom Chrift ; which is thegreat fovereign means ofmortification, asbath been difcovered, zCor. i. z,. 4.) The fpiritalone bringsthe croft of Chrift into our hearts, with its fm-killing power ; for by the fpirit are we baptized into the deathof Chrill. q.) The fpirit is the author and finifher of our fanflification ; gives new fuppiies, in influences of grace for holinefs and fanftification, when the contrary principle is weakened and abated, Ephef. iii. 16, 17, 18. 6.) jn all the foul's addreffesto God in this condition, it hash fupportment from the fpirit. Whence is thepower, life, and vigour ofPrayer ? Whence its efficacy to pre- vail with God ? Is it notfrom the fpirit? He is the fpirit offupplication promifed to them, robe look on him wham they have pierced, Zech. xii. 1o. enabling them re pray with frgbs and groans that cannot be uttered, Rom. viii. 16. This isconfelfed to be the great mediumor way of faith's prevailing with God. ThanPaul dealt with his temptation, whatever it were ; 7 bfought God that it might depart from me (e). What is thework of the fpirit in prayer, whence, and how itgives us in affitance, and makes us to prevail, what we are to do that we may enjoy his help for that purpofe, is not my prefent in- tendmentto demonßrate. (a(. Philip. iii. so. Col. M. 3. 1 Pet. i. 18. (b) r Cor. sr. 31. 1 Pet. i. 16.1 pet. v. s, a. Col. i. 3. (e) z Car. ail. i. OF