T O T H $ R E A D E F all the Controverft`es wherewith the Difciples ofChri/i, through the craft. of Satan, and their own knowing but in part, have in feveral Ares been exercìfed; there have been none offo great Weight andImportance upon all Confiderations whatever, as thofe which immediately concern the ,Perfon and Graceof him by whofe Name they are called, As hisPerfonwas almolt the foie Sabje t ofConte(' (of any moment) for the fpace ofmany Agesfucceedtng his converje in theF:efh with theSons of Men; fo in thefi latter Days, thrd the Darknefs of their owri Spirits, and theSeducements of the Spirit of Darknefs, many in an efpecial man- ner da forth variety of uncouth Thoughts concerning his Grace, and the Difpenfationof the Love of God towards Mankindin him: jet havenot there things been fo diftinftlymanaged, but that as they of old with their Oppofitions to his Perfon, didafo labour to decry and drfannul the Work ofhis Grace ; fo many ofchafe who oflatter days have been led away into dangerous Mifappre- henfions of his Grace, both as to the Foundation and Efficacy of it, have sift rarefied the Things concerning his Perlon to their own Deftrúßion. Of thole that have entangled theSpirits of the Menof this Generation, turning afide many from the Simplicity of the Gofpel, and theTruth as it is in Jefus; none have beenobtruded upon the Saints of God with greaterConfidence, nor carried out to a moreunhappy Iffue, than lath 'as aftfting corruptedNature to unbend itfelf fromunder the Sovereignty of God, and loofening the Thoughts of Mens Hearts from theirCaptivity tothe Obedienceof the Golpe!, do luit the Myftery of God in Chri/t reconciling Sinners untohimfclf, to theflefhlly Wifdoin and Reafonings of a Man. It was in our Hopes and Expellations not many Years ago, that the Lord would gracioufly have turned back all íhòí bitter Streams, which iffuing from the Pride, Unthankfulnefs, andWifdom of the carnal Mind, hadmany ways attempted to overflow the Dollrine of theGrace of God, that bringeth Salvation ; but finding now by Experience, that the Day ofthe Church's ref'; from Perfecution, is the Day of Satan's main work for Seducing and Temptation, and that not a few are attempting once more to renew the Conteft of finful,. guilty, defiled Nature, againft the Sovereign di- ftinguifhing Love, and effe teal Grace of God, it.cannot but be convenient, yea neceffary, that the Faith once delivered to the Saints, be contendedfor, and affected from theWord of Truth, in the like publick way, wherein it is oppofed. Itbath been the confiant Prat-lice of all Perlons in all Ages, who have made it their Deign to beget and propagate -a Belief of any.Dottrinecontrary to the form of wholefome Words, to begin with, and in/i/i mainly upon thoaParts oftheir beloved Conception and Of-fpring, which feem to be me beautiful and taking, for the turningaide of poor, weak, unlearned andunflableSouls : know= ingfull well, that their yudgments and Affections being once engaged, fetch is the frame of Mens Spirits under Delufion, that they will chafe rather to fcbai- low down all that follows ,'than to difcharge themfelves ofwhat they have al ready received. 'Upon this Account, chafe who of late Days haveyhemfelves drank large Draughts of the very Dregs of Pelagianifm, do hold out atffrft only 4 deire to be pledged 'in a Tafte of the Univerfality of the Merit of Cluift,