6 xa>;aamti : ;u°, ` IMS4:MW` at5,3%-03:FmnwlaweautoREt OF THE DEATH OF C H R I S T. C H A P. L The occafion of this iLifcóurf; sloith the ietebdment of the whole. F E W words will briefly acquaint thi reader with the occafion of this difcoùr(e coining : it is now about two years fine T publifh- ed a Treatife about the r'èdemptíon, and fatùfaffion that is in the blood of atilt. My aim was to hold out the whole work of redempti k on, as flowing from the love of the father, difpenfed in the blood of the fob, and made effe&ual by the application of the fpirit of grace: and becasfe in this wholedifpenfation, and in all the method of God's proceedings to make us nigh to himfeif in the blood of jefus. There is no one thing fb com- monly controverted; as the óbied of that redemption in refpeCt of the extent of it: that in the whole, I did fpecially intend. What by the graceof him, who fupplieth feed to the Power, was attained in that undertaking, is left unto the judgment of men, upon the ilfue of his bleffing [hereunto ; altogether I als not olor of hopes, that that labour in the Lord WO not in vain. The ùniverfality of redemptions one thing in that trea- tife mainly oppofed, having of old, and of late got room in the minds of Tome men, otherwife furni(hed with many precious truths, and eminent gifts, I was notwithout ezpelation of force oppofition to be made thereunto : fomething alto (I have been informed) bath been attempted that way; but I am yet at fo much quiet in that regard, as an utter nefcience ofthem canaford. Only where-, as many other queflions are incidently, and by the way handled therein; as about the fatisfaftion, and merit of Chrift, ôs. It,pleafed Mr. Baxter, a learn- ed divine, in an Appendix to a rrcatife of jollification by him lately publif lied, to turn slide in the cenfure of fame of them, and oppbfition to them. Indeed moil of hisexceptions do lie rather againff words, than things -; expreïfions, than opinions; ways of delivering things, than the doelrines themfelves, as the reader will perceive; fe that of this labour I might cafe myfclf with this jull . apology; that l was ifefired, and prefsd to handle the things of that dif- courfe in the moil popular way they were capable of, and in the belt ac- commodation to vulgar capacities fo that it is no wonder, if force expretfiona therein may be found to want Tome grains of accuratenefs (though they have not bile dram the lets of truth) in a fcholaf ical balance. Notwith-