Of the death of Chrifi. Notwithftm.wng, necaule i an not as yet convinced by any thing in Mr. Baxter's cenfure, and oppolition, that there was any fuch blameable de- viation as is pretended, but rather the words of truth, and fobriety, cloathing a doctrine of wholefomenefs; and efpecially, becaufe the things pointed at are in themfelves weighty, and needing fume exa`clnefsin the delivery, to give a right apprehenfionof them: I was willing once more to attempt whether thegrace of God with me, who am let than the Ieáfi of'd faints, might give any further light into the right understanding of them according to the truth, to the ad- vantage of any that love the Lord Jefas in futurity. The true nature of the fatisfa&ion of Chrift, with the kind, of payment of our debt by him made and accomplilired, is doubtlelg worthy of our moil fe- n ous enquiry : the right conititntipg of the immediate effef{sof the deathof Chrift, the relation of men to the elefion of God, and the redemption of Chrift, with their feveral flues and conditions in reference unto thofe works of ,grace, ought to he of no.Iefs elleem: and that not only for the nature and nie- cellency of the things themfelves, but alto becaufe a right difpofal of them, gives more light into theRating and fettling many other controverted truths about faith, juftification, vocation, and the. like. Thefe are the fubjehs about which I am called forth in my own, or rather truth's defence. For the trea- tile, and fubjea thereof, whole latter part gives rife to this; I ¡hall fay no more, but as there are in it many Footfeps of commendable learning, Indu- ftry, and diligence ; fo to my prefect apprehenfion the chief intendments of it, with very many occafronal eapreflions of the author's judgment in fundry parti- culars, are obnoxious to juft oppofition from truth it felt It is not at all in my thoughts, to engage myfclf into the chief controverfy there agitated; though I could delire, that fome to whom providence hash given more Ieifure, and opportunities for fuch employments, would candidly examine thofe apflorrfmr, for the further advantage of the truth and light. Butwhereas, the learned author bath, to make ltreight the work he had ip hand, endeavoured to call force part of the doffrine of the fatisfaftion, and redemption of Chrift, as by me delivered, into a crooked frame, and that with force fuch paffages of cenfure, as might have been omitted without lofing the leaf}grace of his book, or fine e. I flial with the Lord's affillance, endeavour to reinforce what of truth both been thereby alfaolred in vain, and more efpe- cially:takeocoafion from thence further to unfold thofe myfteries, which to - our apprehenfion are wrapped up in no fmall darknefs : there being in theha Tome things difficult, and hard to be nnderllood. The left thing then, which that learned divine chofe to (land in diftance from me in, is concerning the nature of the payment made for fin by the blood of Chrift : whether it be eg'úfdem, or touted-ern; and of the fenfe of thofe expref- lions, is our left debate. In handling whereof, I hope I (hall `not only fatisfy the reader as to the truth of what I had before written ; but alto furthee dear the whole dotrine of fatisfa&ion, with fpecial reference to the kind of the payment that Chrill made, and puttifhlnent which he underwent. Theother head wrappeth in itfelf many particularsconcerning the immediate fruit, or effeâs of the death of Chrift, the note of the eleéè redeem'd ones before aanal believing, the nature of, redemption, reconciliation, the diffe- renting of perfons in God's eternal purpofes ; to theconfideration cf all which, and fundry other particulars, .I have occafion offered, in defence ofthe truth impugned. Thefe now and the like, being things in themfelves weighty, and thediffs4 tenet . about them being for the moil part rather as to the way of thedelivery; than as to things themfelves t inthe handling of them, Í could not attend merely to the advantage offered by Mr. Baxter's difcourfe, but chofe rather to raft them into another method, which might be diflina, clear, and accommodate to ehie things themfelves : fo that I hope the readermay, with fume profit, fee the whole difpenfa..