Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

a6 Of the death of Cóirift. But in what fenfe, and upon what grounds, I extended gracious condonationof fin, unto that compafs here mentioned, I have now expreffed. Let it florid or fall, as it bates the judgment of the reader : the weight of my anfwer depends not on it, at all. My fecend anfwer to that objeftion I gave in their words. (z.) `Ìhat rem on,grace, and peodeowhich is in God fir firma, it nooppofed to Chrift's merits and farisfalion, but ours : he pardoneth all to us, bot lee 'pared not his only Son,, he bated him not one farthing. _ To this Mr. B. thus expreffing it, brit it is of grace to us, though not to Chrifl, anfwereth o both not that clearly intimate, that Chilli was not in the obligation, that the law sloth threaten every man perfonally, or elfe it had been no favour, to accept it of another ? 1. It is marvelous to me, that a learned man fhould voluntarilychute an adver- Every to himfelf, and yet confider the very leaves which he undertakes to confute, with fo much contempt or ofcitancy, as to labour to prove againft him, what he poÇtively affects terminir terminantibus. That Chrifl was not in the obligation, that he was put in as a Purely by his own content, God byhis Sovereigntydii3- penfing with the law as to that, yet as a creditor exaeling of him the due debt of the law, is the main intendment of the place Mr. Baxter here contidereth. a.. Grant all that here is faid, how doth it prove that thrift underwent nor the very penalty of the law ? Is it becaufe he was, nót primarily in the obli- gation ? He was put in as a furry to be the object of its execution, Is it becaufe the law doth threaten every man perfonally ? Chrili underwent really, what was threatned to others o as fhall be proved : but, it is not then of fa-. vour to accept it: but this is the ti. x,ee /µ,acv.: And eleves to fet it down, is but a petitidn ry iv cie%if 3. How Both this elude the force of my anfwer, ? I fee it not at all. After this, I give à third anfwer to the former .obje@ion, manifefting how' the freedom.of pardon, may confifl ,withÇhrill's fatisfaenion, in theft words: (3.) The freedom then of pardon hath not itsfoundation in any d f ft ofthe merit or fa^_ tisfaelion of Geer ; but in threeother thin t, t. The will of God freely appointing the J'atirfa£hon of Citift, Joh. g. eh. Rom. 3. S. z. In a gracious acceptation ofthat decreed fatisf elion in, ourHeads, fomany, no more. 3. In a free application of the death ofChilli unto us. Kentfron then excluder not a full fatisfallion by the folution of the very thing in the obligation,, but only thefolu- tion or fatisfaelionofhim to whom pardon and rem on is granted. It belong the freedom of pardon that Is denied, upon the fuppofals of filch a Iatisfaetion as I alien, I demonftrate from whence that freedom cloth acrueunto it, notwithflanding a fuppofal of Each a fatisfa&ion : not that -pardon confifteth in the three thongs there recounted, but that it hath its freedom from them that is, fuppoling thofe three things, notwithftanding the intervention of payment madeby Chrift, it cannot be, but remiffion of fin unto us be a free and gra- cious act. To ail this Mr. B. oppofeth divers things. For, e. Imputation of righteotefnefs, faith he, is not any part of pardon, but a neceffary antecedent. . x. The famemay be fetid of God's acceptation. 3. Its application is a large phrafe, and may be meant of feucc-al -ello; but of vehicle here Phnom not. Ina word this miftake is very great. I affirm the freedom , of a pardon, tel depend on theft things; he anfwercth, that pardon -doll not cenfi1h ue dtefç things. It is the freedom of pardon, whence it is; not the Mince of pardon; wherein it is, that we have under confderation. .But, faith he, how can he call it a gracious acceptation, a gracious.,imputation, a Pee application, if' it were the fame thing the law yequireth that went paid To pay all according to the All exailion of the obligation,- needeth no' favour to peanut acceptance, imputation, or application., Can jnflice refnfe to accept of fuck-a payment? Ór can tt require any more Though I know not direelly what- it is he means by frying, I call it, yet I pats it over. If