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Of the death of C'hrlfii. a 9 5. The mee rng of our iniquities upon Chrih, Ifa. 53. 6. and his being thereby made fin for us, z Con y. 21. lay the very punifhment of our fin, as to os threatned, upon him. 6. Confider the fcriptural defcriptions you have of his perpefiions, and fee if they do not plainly hold outthe utmoft that ever was threatned to fin. There is the ,¡nyn Ifa. 53, 5. Peter's µloo., r Yet. ì. 04. the liver, vibe', wound, /tripe; that in our head was fo on him, that thereby we are healed. Thofe expreffions of the condition of his Soul in his fufferings, whereby he is. Paid aveF3ar, laBaµ- .073ar, â8nlrorñr Matt. a7; 34. Mark 13. 33. a.poupor 4ivrigb rñhyena, Luke no. 44. Sadnefs unto death, Matt. 26. 38. That dreadful cry, Why haft thou forfaken me. ? thofe crier out of the deep, and mighty fupplications under hit fiar, Heb. 5. 7. that were upon him do all make out, that the bitternefs of the death due to fin was fully upon his Soul. Sum all his outward appearing preflures, mocks, fcotfs, fcorns, crofs, wounds, death, &e. And what do fome of their al$i&ions, who have fuffered for his name, come lhort of it ? And yet how far were they above thofe dreadful expreffions of anguilb, which we find upon the fel- low of the Lord of Hots, the Lion of the tribe of yudah, who received not the fpirit by meafure, but was anointed with the oil of gladnefs above his fellows ? Certainly his unconceivable fufferings were in another kind, and fuck as fee no example to any of his, to fuller in after him. It was no leis than the weightof the wrath of God, and the whole pnnifhment due to fin, that he wreftled under. Secondly, The fecond part of my petition is to me confirmed by thefe, and the likearguments. - That there is a diftinetion to be allowed between the penalty and the per- fon fuffering, is -a common apprehenfion 'efpecially when the nature of the penalty is only enquired after. If a man that had but one eye were cenfnred to have an eye put out, and a dear friend pitying his deplorable condition, knowing, that by undergoing the punifliing decreed, he mull be left to utter' blindnefs, lhould upon the allowance of commutation, as in Zaleuculs cafe, fub- snit to have one of his own eyes put out, and fo fatisfy the fentence given; though by having two eyes, he avoid himfelf the mifery that would have at- tended the others fuffering, who had but one : if, I fay, in this cafe, any lhould ask, whether he underwent the idem the other fhould have done, or tantufidem, I fuppofe the anfiver would be eafy. In . things real it is unquehion- able; and in things perfonal. I (hall purfue it no further, left it should prove a firife of words. And thus far of the fufferings of Chrift in a way of contra- verfy : what follows will be more pohtive. GOJQO©0 06CO DO EE:D696ZD®®®GGC-DOCCDO COCZGOQ CIf AP. V. The fecond head about 7ufiftcation ore believing. H E next thing I am called into quehion about, is concerning aftual, and abfolute Juf ification before believing : this Mr.Ba'ter fpeaks topage 146, and fo forwards , and fin i anfnvers the argu- ments of Maeeovius for filch juftification, and then page e51 ap- plies himfelf to remove filch further arguments, and places of Scripture, as are by me produced for the confirmationof that affection. Here perhaps I could havedefrred a little more candor. To have an opinion falten'd on me, which I never once received, nor intimated the lean thought of, in that whole treatife, or any other of mine ; and then my arguments anfwer- ed asto fuch -an end, and purpofe, as I not once intended to promote by them, is a little too harfh dealing. It is a facile thing, to render any man's reafon- ings exceedingly weals and ridiculous, if we may impofe upon them fuch, and fuck things to be proved by them, which their author never once intended. For paftional juftification, evangelical juhification, whereby a finer is com- pleatly