Of the death of Chrifi. 2I the death of Chrift; which by,the Lord's affiance, I Shall be ready at any time to demonftrate. My intention in the place excepted agaihft being cleared, I than now tender my thoughts to thefe two things : 02) The difinfi conflderation of the ads of thewill of God, before, and after the fatisfadion of Chrift : as alto before, and after our believing, towards us, as unto jultification. s.) ThedifinEl estate of the tanner upon that confederation : with what it the right to the fruits of thedeath of Chrift, which the eleEt of God have be-_ fore believing. L#iwt''AF ^4.l'-L &t`d`4J-`4t1.12,:ts:iael**i*`it.-&-ateele4p4sA- ` CHAP. VI. Of the asIs of God's will rewards Sinners, antecedent and confequent to ,thefa- tisfallion of Chrift : of Grotius's judgment herein. H E diftinEt confideration of the ads of God's will, in reference to the' fatisfadion of Chrift, and our believing, accoreing to the former propofal, is the. flrn thing to be conlidered. Ctrotius, who with many, and in an efpecial manner with Mr. Baxter, is of very great account, and that in Theology, dininguilheth ( as bimfelf calls them with a School term) three moments or iniances of the divine svitl. (ad i. Before the death of Chrift, oicher .1/Cully accomplifhed, or in the purpofe, and tore-knowledgeof God ; in this iníiant, he faith, God is angry with the firmer, but fo, as that he is not averle from all waysof laying down his anger. (b) a. IJpót3 the death of Chrift, or that being fuppos'd, wherein God not only purpofeth; but alfo promifeth to lay aide his anger. (o) 3. When a man by true faith believeth in Chrift, and Chrift accotding tó the tenor of the covenant commendeth him to God : here now Godlays atadè his anger, and receiveth man into favour. fhtsa far he. Amongft all the attempts of diftinguifhing the ads of God's will in reference unto Chrift, and tanners, whatever I confdered, I never found any more flight atheological, and difcrepant from the truth, than thisOf Grotius. (d) To :mature the Almighty by the ltandaid of a man, and to frame in the mind a mutable idol, ín(tead of the eternal, unchangeable God, is a thing that the fleshly reafonings of dark under(tandings are prone unto : feigns the Lord in one instant angry, afterwards promiflng to crate to be fo, then in an- other inftant laying down his anger, and taking up a contrary atfedion, and you Teem tome, to dono lets. What it may be euleemed in law, which was that author's faculty, I know not.{t but fuppofe in Divinity, that (3iotwithfanding the manifold attempts of tome 2%672 llr in molt heads of religion) (e) the afcribing unto the matt holy, things alien, and oppoflte unto his glorious nature, is by common content, accounted no lets than (f) blasphemy whether this be here done, or no, may eataly appear. I hope then without the offence of any, I, may be allowed to call thole dihtates of Grotius to the ruleand mealure Of truth. i.,Before thefirefight of the death of Chr f, faith he, God to angry withAmes, buy nor wholly avofo from all ways of laying ape that anger. To which I an Ever, t. ) DJttpgnenda fr. 'Omen. aiari,t,r voluntaz;r. Pr=mnm eft, anie chr,¡zt mottempofirumase' ipra, aut in deereroDeitrA. prsf ientia. in hoe momvnro traira peetatori f Dera, fed rte, ut non aver- f.rar omn rirs depone ds v'ar, at. reamer, (b) Seeundam mentam f, p ftajaw ChriQi motu, in guo Dr,.r riam me to>f;eufr tanram,afd & prom;ait ;ram feo depfrnrum. (e) Tert;arn 't, rum homa vera fie' iv CSriftani .redit, & CF.rif+era e.r fædery fo fa tredentem Deo sommérutae. Hie7am Derade., po,n=.am,hominemgnerngrat;amrecrpit, detxtisfaftmChri4i. Cop 7 (d)af.5o.zr. Esed.3.t4. s Sam. 39. lob 03. 53. Pf1. .2. 26, 27 ¡fa. r4. 37. (é) n King ry. 6. Ifa. 37. 3: rZim. 1: 13. (f) ;rjn;.ung; n' l;g 'dde Dei, ¢aod e: anvenit, vii [¡rit do ea; gned ei n.." d,ronr d,v;n<ban;tati,: ¿ a f r hlafphem , I'kam. zax.q. 0 3 . 0. 0 . 0. F r.That