22 Of the death of Chaff. I. That God (hould be conceived angry after the manner of men, or with . any fuch kind of pafion, ìs groin Anthropomorphifm v ; às bad, if not work, than the affìgning of him a bodily (hape. (g) The anger of God is a pure aá of his will, whereby he will effect, and infli& the efiefts of anger. No}\ e, u<di,aarai ='r9rapmm- what is before the fore-fight of the death of (Thrift, is A;s, f ,r Áeoage- certainly from eternity. God's anger muff refpcft either ,,gr. amor. &0eadiam, er the purpofe of God, or the eficeis of it. The latter it .tt< f edt, -cam rtbaan- cannot be, for they are undoubtedly all temporal. It tar D., fin t a,, feegucem muít be then his purpofe from eternity to inIh& pun ifh è,9am ti 1 am f ,adlne menx, that is the eftéft of anger. This then rsthe £lift Main, te. q. as a. 3. thing in the bu(inefs of redemption of igned _Grot rs, unto the Lord, (viz, Hepurpofed- from eternity, to mffi ' punifhment on (inners : and on what finners ? Even on ehofe, for whom he gives Chrift to die, and afterwards receives into favour, as he exprefleth himfelf. Behold here a myflery of Voflan Theology: God changing his eternal ptr- gofes f (h) This Arminian at firil could not down withal, inferring from hency, that the will of God dilfer'd not from his effence, that every aft thereof, is, Firfè, Mott limple. Secondly, Infinite. Thirdly, Eternal. Fourthly, Immutable. Fifthly, Holy. Reafon it felfwould fain (peak in this caufe, but that theSeri-. Inures do fo abound, manyplaces are noted in the margin. gam t. 47. a 7m. a. 59. Pf.33.9, 10, 13. A£ls tS. t8, &e. may be added. A mutable god, is of the dunghil. a. That the death of Chrlf} is not comprized in the -Grd con(ideration of God's mind, and aft of his will towards Snncrs to be fated, is illùmed gratis. .. 3. He is sot, faith he, aveefefrom all ways of lading down this anger. This fcheme Grotius placeth, as is evident, in God, as the foundation, and bottom of fend- ing Çhrift for our redemption. This he immediately fbja}ns without the leafl intimation of any further inclination in God towards finners, for whom he gives his Son. But, (r.) This is a merenegation of infliEting anger for the prefcnt r or a fufpen- fion Of that affe&ion from working according to its quality; which how it can be afcribed to the pure and ate ire (i) will of God, I know not. Yea, it isabove üif roved. (a.) Such a kind of frame, as it is injurious to God, fo to be held out áS the fountainof his fending Chrilt to die foi us, is; I am perfuaded, an abhor- rency to Chriftians. And, (s.) Whether this anfwer that, tvhith the Scripture hölds out; as the molt intend diftinguifhing love, Yoh. 3. í6. Rom. j. S. Chap. S. 3a. r `}ob. 4. 9, to. is éafrly difcernablé. A natural vdleity to the goodof the creature, is the thing here couched, but hots never proved. a. to thefecond inflance, God, faith he, the dedth ofChrift being fsppofed, not on° ly áetermineth, but afo promfeth to layaide his anger. r. What terms can be invented to hbld out more exprelly a change, and alter ration in the unchangeable God, than thefe here ufed, I knew not. . a. That thewill or mind of God, is altered from One helped towards us, to another, by the confsderation of the death of Chrift; is a low, carnal concep- tion. The will of God is not moved byany thing without it Pelf. (k) altera- tions are in the things altered, not in the will of God concerning them. g. To make this thewhole effeft of the death of Chrift, that God Ihould de- termine, and promife to lay slideids wrath is (1) no Scripture difcovery, either as to name, or thing. 4. Theputpotes' of God, which are all eternal, and the promifes of God, which. areall made in time,' are very inconveniently ranged -in the fame {Cries. 5. That by the death of thrift, atonement is made, everlafling redemption . purchafed, that God is reconciled, a right unto freedom obtained, for xhofe, for whom he died, (hall be afterwards declared. 6. If God doth only purpofe, and promife to lay aiide his anger upon the death of Chrilt, but Both it not until our aftual believing then Oar faith (g) Lade, vol.., otdfcend< fjari<. fiph. t. if. (h) aem. difp. pub. de oanr Dei Th,t. i in (i) Ep. 1.13. (k) eillwl hmoor, vota.o,em, .lied vale digsta.ft rerun mooVenem. (I) Mitt. ti. u. t Tim. t. t5, Ep. 5, 36, n7. Ep. a. t 3, t6. tel. t, 13. ìJah i. 1. Go: is