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01 the death of Chi-1ft. 23 is the proper procuring caufe of reconciliation ; the death of Chrift but a re- quifite antecedent, which is not theScripture phrafe. Rom. g. to. a Cor. q. 18: &ph. z. 16. Col. T. zo, zr. Dan. 9. zq. Heb. 2.17. Eph. 1. 7. Heb. 9. ti:etóndl,a How comes the firmer by faith, if it is the gift of God ° ? Ir mull be an nïue . of anger, and enmity, for that Scheme only is a&ually afcribed to him, before ourenjoyment of it ; hrange! that God fhould be fo far reconciled, as to give us faith, that we may be reconciled to him, that thereupon he may be recon- ciled to us. 3. For the third inhance, of God's receiving theftnner into dove, and favour upon his believing, quite laying afide his anger. I anfwer : to wave the Anthropomor- phifm, wherewith this aflertion is tainted as the former t if by receiving into favour, he intend abfolute, compleat palional jufification, being an ad of fa- vour, quitting the (inner from the guilt of fin, charged by the accufation of the law, terminated in the confcience of a Corner: I confers it, in order of na- ture, to follow our believing I might confiderfurther the attemptsof others for the right hating of this bulinefs, but it would draw the beyond my intention. His failings herein; who is fo often mentioned, and fo much ufcd, by him, who gives occafion to this refeript, I could not but remark. What are my own thoughts and appro., henfions of thewhole, I Rtall in the next place briefly impart. 'Now to make way hereunto, fome things I mod fuppofe : which though fome of them other where controverted, yet not at all in reference to the pre- lent bufinefs t and they are there: 1. That Chrift died only for the cleft t or God give his Son to die only for thofe, whom he chufeth for life, and falvation for the praife of his glorious grace. This is granted by Mr, Ba:rer, .whore he affirms, That Chrifl bare not puuif{r ment for them, who mutt bear pun:foment themfelvesin eternal fire Thef. ;3; p. tóz And again, Chrifb died not fir final unbelief, 'Í'hef. 3 z. p. 139. therefore not for them who are finally unbelievers, as all non-elef ed are, and lhall be. For what liners he died,' he died for all their fins, Rim.;. 6, 7, 8. z Cor. ;. at. a Yoh. 1.Ìf any (hall fay, that as he diednot for the final unbelief of others, to not for the final unbelief of the eleli, and Co not for final unbeliefat all. I anfwer, Frfl, If by final unbelief, you mein that which is aftually fo, Chrif fatit fled not fbrit. His fatisfa&ion cannot be extended to thofe things, whore ex ihence is prevented by his merit. The omillion of this in theconfideration of the death of Chrift, lies at the bottom of many mifakes. Merit and fatisfa- lion, are of equal extent as to their objells t both alto tend to the fame end, but in fundry refpe&s. Secondly, If by final unbelief, you underhand that which would be fo, notwith= handingall means, and remedies, were it not for the death of Chrih, fo he did . fatisfy for it. Its exiftence beingprevented by his merit. So then, if Chrih died not for final unbelief, hedied not for the finallyunbelieving : though the fa- tisfa&ion ofhis death bath not paid for it,the merit of hisdeath would remote ir. 7h rdly, I fuppofe; that the means, as well as the ends, grace, is glory, are. thepurchafe, and procurementof Jefus Chrift : fee this proved in my treatife of redemption. Lib. 3. Cap.q. &c. Fourthly, That God is abfolutely immutable, and unchangeable in all his at. tributes : neitherBoth his will admit of any alteration. This proved aboye. Fifthly, That the will of God is not moved properly by any external taufe whatfoever, untoany of its ads, whether imminent, or tranfient. For, t..(m) By a movingcaufe, we underhand a caufe morally efficient; and if any thing Were fo properly in refried of any a& of God's will, then the a&, which is the will of God a&ing, muft in Come refpe&, viz. as it is an erred, be lets worthy, and inferior to the caufe ; for fo is every effe&, in refpe& to its. taufe. And, Eph. C. a. Phil. 1.19. (m) cam safeness fie ejru of tia, v, isetùr áb olio à fe, fed d fe e' anode legend,', quo inaeulgere, drvete, Reim, morro, (r feeundvm hop Plato dixir, prienuo +ei fe,pfcm, Ag. p. e. q. eg. a. -. , z. Every