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24 Of the death of Chraft. z. Every eftèft produced, proceeded from a palüte poflibility unto the effect, which can no way beaffigned unto.God, betides it matt be temporary; for nothing ¿hat is eternal can have dependance upon that, whofe rife is in times and fuck are all things external to the will of God, even the merit of (Thrill himfeili ;. I cannot imagine how there cats be any other caufe, why God willeth any thing, than why he not willeth, or willeth not other things, which for any to align, will be found difficult s Mutt. t1. 25. Chap. zo. 15. So then when God willeth one thing for another, as our falvation for the death of Cisrift, the one is the caufe of the other ; neither moveth the will of God, Hence, Sixthly, All alterations are its the things, concerning which the a&s of the will of God are, none in thewillaf God it felf. Thefe things being premited,- what was before propofed, I Oral. now in or- der make out; beginning with the eternal arts of the will of God towards us, antecedent to all, or any confidetation of the death of Chrift. . .A3 3Xs>ré s sv3 ER. c .t) Cxta" CHAP. VII. In particular of the sold of God towards them for whomChrifb cited, and their /tate, and condition as confdered antecedzneosrs to the death of dirij), and ad efficiency thereof. I R S T then, the habitude of God towards man, antecedent to all fore-fight df the death of Chri 1, is , aft' of fo am pre fove- roigu6y, and dominion, appointing them, by means fuited to the manifeftation of his glorious properties, according to his infinitely wife, and free difpofal, to eternal life, and falvation, for the praile of his glorious grace. That this falvation was never but one, or of one kind, corfifting in the fame kind of happinefs, in reference unto God's appointment, needs not muck proving. 'l'o think that God appointed one kind of condition for man, if he had continued in innocency, and another upon his recovery from the fall; is to think, that his prefcience is but conjeftural, and his will alterable. - In this instant then, we fappofe no kind of aftèltion in God, properly fo call- ed t no changeable refolution, no inclinabÍenefs, and propcnfity of natule, so tite good of the creature in general, no flame of being angry, with only a not- averfenefs to the laying down of his anger, sv'rr All which, and the like arcs derogatory to the infinite perfeftion of God. Nor yet anyact of pitying and pardoning mercy, much lets any quitting, or clearing of Inners; whereby they lhould be jnitified from eternity ; the permif lot of fin it felt in the pnrpofe of it, being not prefeppofed, but included in this habitude of God's will towards man, tomake it-compleat. Neither any abfolute intention of doing good unto man, without refpeet unto Chrifl, and his merits, they refering to the goad to be done, not to his appointment ; for by them is this purpofe of his to be accomplilhed. Nor laftly, cloth it contain any aftaal relaxation, fufpenfion; or abrogation of close law and itspenalties, by which it is his will the creature Than be regulated, in reference to the perfon concerning whom this all of his will is s they ftanding indeed in that relation thereunto, as in the (baron of their exiftence, their feveral conditions expele them to, by virtue of the firlf conftitutionof that law. But it is loch anaá of his will, as in the Scripture is termed mpjo test, Ads z.,3. Rom 8. s -. r Pet. I. an.-e- 69erst, Stet. 8. 28. 9, 11..E?h. 3. it. isttrla Must. 11. as. EA. 1. 5. z 7isg9. -1. 1 r. Loh. r z. 'y s. er,añ ltshpelgn, Epb. I. 11 gep'so,N' 7óv 6s, z :Pm z. r9. rr o;,épfs> Epis. 1. 5. s T. 'Rem. 8. zg. Ordination, or cb appointment nrsra life, BR. 13. 48. 1 7hp: 5. 5, 9. All which, and divers other esprefiìons, point at the fame thing. Divines commonly in one wordcall it his deuce ele$ian,. and fomctimcs Sc- rssding to Scripture, eleetiosi it fell, Epb. 5. 4. Neither loth the word hood out any