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of the death of Chrift. 25 any habitude or God towardsman, antecedaneous to all efficiencyof the death of Chrift, but only this I (peakof them only in this whole difcourfe for whom he died. That this is an Ad of fovcreignty, or fupream dominion, and not of mercy; properly fo called, hath been by others abundantly proved. 71äd this I place as' the Caufa areoeveopiee of the fatisfaftion of Chrift, and the whole difpenfation of making out love unto us, through variousaâs of mercy. This in the Scripture is called the love of God, Rom. 9. 13. and is fee out as'- the molt intenfe love, that ever he beareth to any of his creatures, yob. ;. t6. Rom. 5. 8. 1 yon. 4. 9. Being indeed as properly love, as love can be amgned un- to God. His love is but an aft ofhis will, wherebyAso ,,io .a8l, And in refpeß of wefts (in which refpe&, chiefly afie&ions are afcribed unto God) it huh the moll eminent pofiible. Now this being difcriminating canno way be recon- ciled with the common affeblion before difproved. 'For the order, and feries of the purpofesof God, as moll natural for our ap- prehenfion of God, and agreeable to his own infinite wifdom, tending to thé ccmpleating of this love, inall its ilfues, and fruits, as it is more curiousper-' haps in the framing, than necelfary to be known, focertainly, it would be too longand intricate awork for me to difcufs at prefent, in reference to this in- tendment. Only in general, this mull be granted, that all the thoughts of God, concerning the way of accomplifhing this aft of his will, mutt be fubor- dinate hereunto, as comprizing theend, and co-ordinate among themfelves, as being concerning themeans. In particular, the conftitution, or appointment of the covenant of freegrace, for the recovery, and bringing home unto God of fallen man, bath immediate dependance thereon, I mean in that wayof dependance, which their ordergives unto them. I cannon &fluor to what Mr. Baxter hash afferted in this matter ; Diet. i4. Ecpl. p. 90. the fatie.fafiion of Chrift, faith he, to the law, before the new covenant, though not in regard of itspayment, whichwas in the fulnefs of time, yet in undertaking, acceptance, and efficacy ; there could be no treating oiti new terms, until the old obligation was fatisfied, and fufpeuded. Had he attempted the proof ofthis alfertion, perhaps he would have found it a more difficult undertaking, than barely to affirm it. Some few reafons to the contrary, that prefent themfelves, I thall briefly let down. r. Chrift himfelf with ,withhis whole fatisfaftion, and merit, is included in the covenant : therefore his fatisfaftion is not antecedent to the covenant. The firft appeareth, in that all promifes of pardoning mercyare in, and of this new covenant, Heb. 8. ro, so. but now, in them, as the foundation of that mercy, is Cluill himfelf with his fatisfaftion comprifed, Gen. ;. 15. Ifa. 9. 6, y. z. He, who in all that he is, as made unto us, was the mediator of rho new covenant, and whole merit, and fatisfaftion in all that they are, are ap- pointed for the procuring themercies of the new covenant, his fatisfaftion is not antecedent to the covenant, Rob. 7. os. Chap. 8. 6. t7e. p. The conftitution of the new covenant, as it is in thepurpofe Of God, is the rife, and fountain of giving Chrill with his fatisfa&ion for us. It is id the purpofeof God to fave us through faith by pardoning mercy : in thepur- fute of that defign, and for the prarle of that glorious grace; is Chrift given, yob. 3: 16. Rom. 8. 32. Or thus: q. If the defignation of that way of life, and falvation, which it adminfitred by the Gofpel, be antecedent tothe fatisfaftionof Chrift; then the fatisfaftion of Chrift isnot antecedent to the new covenant; for nothing can be before, and after the fame thing. Underhand the defignation of the way of life, arid the fatisfaftion of Chrift, in the fame order of decree, or enécution: tow the fuppofal is manifeft : the fatisfaftion of Chrift being appointed as the meant of accomplifhing that way of life. If Mr. Baxter intendeth thofe latter words, there could be no treating on new terms, before the old obligation wa finished, or fufpended, as a proof of his former aller- tion, he will fail in his intendment, as I fuppof. For, 1. 7reruing on new terme, denoteth either confconfine'', ineaedi faderi;, or exegquead. : If the /117, it is nothing but the purpofeof God to fave his elche by pardoning mercy, for the praife of his glorious grace : this is wholly antecedent to any G efficiency