26 Of the death of Chraft. efficiency of the death, and fatisfah iou of Chrift, as being of mere and abfo- lute grace, gee. 31. 3. Hnb. 2. 9, 8. If the latter be intended, or the a$ual taking of linters into covenant, by working an acceptance of it upon their fpirits, andobedience to the condition of it, in their hearts, then though the fatisfaftion of Chrift be an antecedent hereunto, yet it is not thence, antece- dent to the new covenant. For the new covenant, and taking into covenant,. are diftinft. This then being affigned unto God after our manner of apprehenfion, the net enquiry is into the 'late, and condition of thole perfons, who are the pe- éuliar objeft of the adof God's will before defcribed, in reference thereunto, antecedaneoús to all conhderation of the death of Chrift, and all efficacy thereof. The Scripture fpeaking of them in this condition, faith, that they are Leloved, Rom. 9. 13. Rom. tt. z8. tithed, Eph. t. 4. Ordained unto eternal life, /lids 13. gß. n x,Q a. 13. Whether only the eternal ablings of the will of God towards them, or alto their own change, either aftual in refpeft of real Rate, and con- dition ; or relative in reference to the purpofe of God, is not certainly evi- dent. Hereunto then, I prrpofe theft two things : 1. Ey[he eternal love, urpofe, and aft pf God's will towards them that (hall be fared (who are fo from thence) they are not aftually changed from that condition, which is common to them, with all the funs of men after the fall. z. By virtue of that love alone, they have not fo much as perfonal right un- to any of thofe things, .which are the proper effefts of that love, and which it produceth in due feafon, befeemingly to the wifdom, and jullice of God. Either of theft affections (hall be briefly proved. P'or the firft, it is manifef (1.) Prom the aft of God's will, which to this Jove is contradiftinEt. What change is wrought in the loved, or eleßed, by the purpofe of God according - to ele&ion ; an anfwerable change mud be wrought in the hated, and appoint-, ed to condemnation, by the decree of reprobation: now that this fhould really alter the condition of men, and aftually difpofe them under the confequences of thatpurpofe, cannot be granted. (y.) Analogy from other eternal purpofes of God, gives a demonliration hereof.' eternal purpofes of the divine will for the creation of the world . out of nothing ; left that nothing, as very nothing as ever, until an aft of Al- mighty Power gave, in the beginning, exiftence, and being to the things, that are feen. Things have their certain futurition, not indant ?dual exiftence from the eternal purpofesof God, concerning them. (3.) The Scripture plainly planeti, all men in the fame Slate and condi- tion before converlon, and reconciliation. We haveproved, thatleios, and Gentiles are all under fin, Rom. 3. 9, 1o. So every mouth is flopped, and all the world is be- romeguilty before God, ver. 09. All being by nature, children of wrath, Eph. 2. 3. The condition of all in unregeneracy is really one, and the fame. Thofe who think it is a millaken apprehenfon in the eleft to think fa, are certainly too much miltaken in that appreheuhon. He that believeih not the Son, the s -aso of God abideth on him, Joh. 3. 36. If the mifapprehenfon be, as they fay it is, unbelief, it leaves them, in whom it is, under the wrath of God. He that would fee this further cleared, and confirmed, may confult my treatift of redemption, Lib. 3. Cap. 8: where it is purpofely, and exprefly handled at large. Hence Mr. Baxter may have fume direftionslhow to difpofe of that cenfare concerning me, which yet he is pleafed to fay, that he fufpendeth, page 158. vin. That I fhould affirm julification to be nothing but the manifelkationof eternal love, which I have more, than in one place, or two, exprefly oppofed. That any one fhould but here, and there confult a few linos, or leaves of my treatife, I no way blame ; in fuck things we all ufe our liberty : but that upon fo fleight a view, as cannot poffibly reprefent the frame, (datum and co- herence of my judgment in any particular, to undertake a confutation, and cenfure of it, cannot well be done without force regret to candid ingenuity For the fecund allertino laid down, which goeth fomeehing further than the former, it is rally deduced from the fame principles therewithal : I Than there' fore add only one argument for the confirmation thereof. God