Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of the death 'of Chrifi. 27 God having appointed that his eternal love in the fruits thereof, f could be no otherways communicated, but only in, and by Chrift, all right thereunto mull of neceffty be of his procurement, and purchafing. Yea, the end of the mediation of the Lcrd Jefus, is to give right, title, and poffef&on in their fe, veral order, and (calons unto, and in all the fruits, iffues, and tendenciesof that love, unto them whole Mediator he is appointed to be. Thus far then, all is feated in the bofom of the Almighty. All differencing aas of grace flowing from hence, being to be made out as Teems good unto him in his infinite wife fovereignty; from whence alone is the difpofal of all theta things, as to that order which may muff conduce to his glory. And this alto writes vanity upon the objection infifed on by Mr Baxter, page s 37. that when we have a right, we mull prefently have a poffeffon : all thefe things being to be moderated according to his free fovereign difpofal. And this concerneth the frf infant pmpofed. fE,EQR®OOg__l9boQ(;DEQs;;;Qex:Dc©oGc®®®©lDP®ttg®1aCeZQ ;CHAP. VIII. Of thewill of God in reference to them for whom Chri/i died, immediately upon the canfideration of his death; and their flare, and condition before asltaal believing in relation thereunto. H E fecond infant propofed to be confidered, is, in the imme- diate iffue of the death ofChrift, as purpofed, and accomplrfhed. Purpofe, and accomplifhment are indeed different; but their ef- £efts in refpeft of God, are the fame. In reference to us alfo the death of Chri£ hath the fame efficacy as promifed, and as performed. What ads the Scripture afcribes unto God, antece- dent unto anyconfideration of the death of Chrift, or at leaf fuch as are ab- folutely free, and offovereignty, without anyinfluence of cafuality from thence, we law before : for as for the order of God's decrees compared among them- (elves, Iwill not with any one contend. Herewe enquire what it holdeth out of him, that being in all its efficacy fuppofed. And we affirm. s. That ehe will of God is not moved to any thing thereby, nor changed in,. to any other ref-pea towards thofe for whom Chrift died, than what it had be- fore. This was formerly proved, and mull again be touched on. But, a. The death of Chrift purpofed, and accounted effeflual, as before, God can agreeable to his infinite juílier, wifdom, truth, and appointment, make out unto tanners for whom Chrift died, or was to die, all thofe good things, which he before purpofed, and willed bj' filch means to them i thole things being purchafed, and procured, and all hinderances of bellowing them, being removed, by that fatisfadion, and merit, which by free compact, he agreed, and contented fhould be in that death of Chrift. 3. That as the making out of all fpiritual bleffinngs, firft purpofed by the Fa- thee, then purchafed by the Son, that theymight be beftowed eondecently to . divine jullice; God hath referred it to his own fovereign difpofal. That it be done, fo that they for whom this whole difpenfation is appointed, may really enjoy the fruits of it, is all, that neceffarily is included, either in thepurpofe, or purchafe. Hence it is that the difcharge of the debtor, doth not immediatelyfollow the payment of the debt by Chrift, not becaufe that payment is refutable ; but becaufe in that very covenant, and compact, from whence it is that the death of Chrift, is a payment; God referveth to himfelf this right, and liberty, to difcharge the debtor, when, and how he pleafeth. I mean as to times and feafons ; for otherwife, the means of adual freedom, is procured by that pay- ment, thounot confrdered merely as a payment, which denotes only faessfa£uon, but asit had adjoyned merit alto. There-