Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

30 Of the death of Chrift. proved (which in things not clear in themfelves is a provocation fo to do) I flrall oppofe one or two arguments unto it, I. All the effects of the death of Chrift are peculiar only to thecleft, to fome: the fufpenfion of the rigorous execution of the law, is not fo. Ergo, Theminor is apparent : the major proved by all the arguments against nmvcr- fal redemption ufed in my former treatife. x. All the effefts of the death of Chrift are fpiritual, diftiuguifhing, and faxing, to the praife of God's free grace. The fufpending of the vigorous execution of the law, is not fo. Ergo, The asfumptioa is manifeft : 'cis only a not immediate casting into hell, which is not a fpiritual diftinguifhing mercy : but in refpeft to many, tends to the manifestation of God's justice, Rom. 9. az. The propofition is evident. The promifes -made unto.Chrifh upon his under- taking this work, doubtlefs do hold out all that he effefted by his death. Of what nature theyare, and what is the main tendance of them, I have elfewhere diièovered, from the firft to the tail, they are reftrained to difinguifhing mer- cies : fee /fit. 49. 6, 7, 8,. 9,. to. Chap. 13 to, It, rn. Chap. 6r. i, 2. and no lefs is poficiveiy adirmed, Eph. r. 4. Rea'. 1. 5, 6. If Mr. Baxter fay, that his meaning in this is, that if Christ had not under- taken the work of redemption, and fatisfayâion, then the law muff- have had rigo- rous execution upon all, and therefore this being fufpended- upon his under- taking of it, is the firft fruit of the death of Chris, I anfwër,:" Notwichfanding this, yet that fufpenfion, which in refpett of the different perforas towards whom it is a&ually exercifed, bath different ends, is not ti fruit, nor effect of the death of Christ, but a free iffue, of the fame eternally wife providence, fovereigntv, and grace, as the death of Chrift himfetf is.- If then by the rigorot. eeecrteon of the law, you intend the immediate execution of the law in all its rigour, and punishments, this if it had been effefted could in your own judgment have reached Adam, and Eve, and no more and would hale fo reached them, as to cut off the generation of mankind in that root: if fo, and'" this be the fruit of Christ's death, why do you not reckon the procreation'of human race, among thofe fruits alfo ? For had it not been 'for this fufpeofton,+ that alfo had failed : which is as good a caufative connection, as that between the death of Chrifi, and this fufpenfion r had nothe undertaken the work- of redemption, it had not been. If by a rigarons execution, you intend the penalty of the law, infiifted in that way, which bath pleafed the will of the lawgiver by fevers] parts, and degrees, from conception through birth,life, death, to eternity ; the curfe of it being wholly incumbent in refpe&of defect, and ma- king out it fel , according to God's appointment, then the fufpenfion thereof is not the immediate effeft of the death of Cl rlft; which (fúppoing the &It ar- guments to the former acceptation) I further prove : if thdfe for whom -Clirith died do lie under this rigorous execution of the law, that is, the curfe of k, until fome other effé& of Chrift's death be wrought Upon them, then that is not the firft effeft of the death of Chrift: but that füppofal is true,'ye& 3. 36. Ethel: n. 3. therefore fo alfo the inference: In a word : take the fufpending of the rigorous execution of the law, forthe purpofe of God, and his ailing accordingly, not to leave his eleit 'under the a&ual curfe of it ; fo it is no fruit of the death of Chrift, but an iflue-of the fame grace ; from whence álfo the death of Cheikk proceed§: Take it for an aftual freeing of their perfons from the bréaeh of it, and its curfe, and fo it differs not from juftification, and is not the immediateeffeft' of Chrift's death in Mr. Baxter's judgment. Take it for the not immediate executingof the law upon tine firs offence, and T can as well fay, Chrift died becaufe the law was fufpended ; as' yon, that the law was fufpended becaufe Chrifi died : had not either been, the other had not been. Take it for the aftual forbearance of God towards all the world, and fo it falls under my two firft arguments. Take it thus, that God for the death of Chrifi, will deal With all men upon a new law, freeing all from the guilt of the Orli broken law, -rnd covenant: fo it is non ens.