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Of the death of Chriff. 31 If, you mean by it God's entring into a new way of falvation with thofe for whom Chrift died d this onthe part of God is antecedaneous to the confidera- tion of the death, of Chrift, and of the fame free grace with it fell. For the queftion it Pelf, as. I faid before, I (hall not here in terms take, it up, the following difconrfe will give light into it : I have alto fpoken largely to it. in anotherplace; and that diftinEtly. The fum is : I conceive that all the intermediate effèds of the death of Chrift, tending to its ultimate procurement of the glory of God, are all in re- fpedof his death immediate ; that is, with fuch an immcdiation as attends mo- ral caufes. Now tliefe concerning, them for whom he died, as they are not im- mediately bellowed on them, the ultimate attingency of the caufe, and the firft tile of the effed, lying in an intervening compati, fo not fi-oal, at once neither though fimul, and a like procured ; the carafe of this, being that relation, co- herence, and.cafuality, which the Lord hath appointed between the feveral effects, or rather parts of the fame effects, of the death of Chrift, in reference to the main, and ultimate end to be thereby attained :. as at.large I have difcuffed z. Gap. r. p. 52, 53. tic. In oneword, the firft effect of the death of Chrifk in this fenfe, is the firft frith of elehtion. For, for the procuring, and pur chafing of the fruits thereof, and them alone, did Chrift die, If I miftakenot, Mr. Baxter himfelf is not fettled fully in this perfuafon; that the fufpenfion of the rigorous execution of the law, is the mad immediate effet of the death ofChrift a for peg. 5 z. theft words which he ufeth, God the father doth accept rho fufering and merits of his Son, ä, a All farisfaldian to his vio- lated law, and as a.valuable.co>fderaeion: upon which he will wholly acquit and forgive the offenders tbrinfilaes, and receive them. again into favour, fo that they 5h! but receive his Son upon the terms expr f d in 'a' Cfp.l, Teems to place the ultimateefficacy of the death a,/ Clrrift in.God's acceptation of it, as to our good, on the con- dition of faith, and obedience. Which firft makes the fufpenfion, of the law to be fo far . from being the fled efkd of the death of Chrift, that the lati reacheth not fo far: and fècondly, the fond abfurdity of this conditional' acceptation. I have before declared. Neither am I clear to whichof thofe = affertions, that of page 92, where he affirms, that fame benefit by. Chrfi the condemned did receive, is mat accommodates neither can I eafily receive what is here abetted.; if by . benefit you under- hand that which in refped of them is intentionally fo. Por, (r.) Condemned perfon,.ascondemned pérfons.-furely receive;sobenefit byChrift, for they are condemned. (z.) The delay of the condemnationof reprobates, is nopart of the purchafe of Chrift; the Scripture faya, nor more, nor lets of any fuch thing.:. but pecu- liarly afhgns it to another caufe, Rom. 9. ÇHAP. X. Of tite merit of Chrify and its immediate efficacy, what it efelleth, in what it re/feth, with the /late of thofe for whom Chrifl died in reference to his death, and of their right to the frutti of his death before believing. 7`t HAT they for tvhoin Chrift : died, have a sight to the things which T he purchafed thereby, that is, an adua4:right, for fo men may have, to 1 what theyhave not in actual poffelüon, is no dngular conception of e; mine. Our divines freely ezprefs themfelves to this purpofe. Even the commender, and publifher of Gratin's his book of fariefahiipn, the learned Voofftto himfelf, áffirmeth, that. Chrift by his death purchafed for ús a double right : Fief, a rightof efcaping ponifhment, and Men a right of obtain- ing the reward. By the way, I cannot clofe with his:.diftindìon in that place of fame things, that Chrift by his life, and death, purchafed for us, and others, that he daily beftowed , forthe thingshe daily beftowethr are of them, which by his death he puechafed. My