32 OF the death of Chrïjt. My exprellions then alone are not hab) epentouthe-mnfequzncesrdtargedlon them, for affertinga right to lite, and Ialvatiim itszhemmfot whosh Cheat 'disk even before believing. Yea, tome-have goneof3tthei;^andl4%müe4 athaiìtlrafes for whoni Chri!t died, are in fome mannerreftoted'ioto-favingitfáxßur.e: Nnt1to mention Come of them, to whole judgment Mr' Baare,: feeinsdtòrraoeétie; nvfuti afÌèrt uoiccrfal juflificetion, and refloration into grimeupon the,daafh of ehrii et but I by no weight up theft things. - I. .. d -' To -;tar my thoughts in this particular, two things muff necettiriiy beeri ged into, and made out. .,dir I w r. Seeing the fatisfattion, and merit of Chrifl, do tend dxefklÿ.for-thegoodi of them for whom hedied, and that there is a dillance; andif wce -of time,'be- tOeen that death, and their participation of the good thingsliusChafed thereby. Wherein Beth, or inwhat teilcth the efficacy of that his 'death,brwitli the princi- ple of the certain furubition, of"ehe.fpïritual. things:fo procuxmdilehich'tltofe for whom he died, Shall alfuredly its due time enjoy. lo a. Wherein lies the "obligation--unto death, hell; and wratign:ivhich - beforet believing tlie-Scripture affirms to be . upon the cleft, feeing CiisiG, bath a&uallA purchafed for them freedom from elide things: and this Without moredndo# will be clear'd in the former. f e'. 'r o 1. For the f it then, upon the mine of the death of Chgik folnething be- ing fuppofed in God beyond his mere purpofe, of which befoib, «femethin* being adfually procured, and purchafed: lay it, which yet they':fob whom the are fopurchafed, neither do, nor pofiibly can upon the parehvf,,simmediatelti poffefs, and enjoy : it- is enquit'd,..wherein retied, the efficacy ef',his. deathl which in due time caufeth the malting out of all thole fyirirdal blelingsy which'by it are fo- procured? -'d Now this +nvfl.asealther.ìn thofe for whom he died, or qn l iusl;lf.as medi., atoe, or in his father who tent him. (t.)'That it is not'im them for 'whom hedied.as. apparent: upon the. death of Chrift, in purpofe, land promue, when 'firibittelfinaogltook place, they -en not : I mean aánally- esiftent. Truelnthey, weteipóremiufly in ehe:púrpofe,00$ God :`belt,will that make them a meet fubje& for,häe refidetrce Ifs lais:eight,.4nd 'm 4 (9,1tfY'eof we fpeak ? As is the thing, fnbb-äre,ali its'ath iens, endallin j jt.%trobufrpSffiblÇ' if it be. no more:. This is.fomethngaáualaowhermnl ye ,fpeak.. Tr, t ibid.,/ r -.: hold! iir(r gkifIVAgno`Cni Chink as mediator;. is no Iefs evidepbenkidi-ahat *Ices Satisfaftioq Fnd 1 e to i hom it is made he who merneth niyralvingitandkhe-at }'¡ape s e meriteth it, muff- be tiiftingai icon SI`fie iénofalslpeilún tinder {iíVgidt"i8n5o'F perfbitniilbthe wörkoe mediation; veddlvethfnisseffaaiiffadtkOMDTkar powerChrilli receivethof the Father, beea.ufehecièitheifoiitm6,mnai , , ivegMói'i nal life to thofe given himof his father, is of latter confideratión to that we ff vOlt, de,, bgini a.xç(ulC ,v .x ggt,teC att t ,,.},, _ (g.) It muff therefore be m th atFi'er, or o , as rem ivitig tifa n. Of allthe attributes of Goovrheeee ¡hyc'may be placed, to fpeak after the manner of men, one of thefe fr mliii'üedds 4i.e the proper feat of it : power, will, juftice, truth. Ls. His power,:,asid theiiitallidtdbe;!`Hbtldih StCi@á%ihia )gritiadiit lit,®f power,-for that canitot be tolbimrswho.is ómÁ ipbeenG\'sbur.eiiaì,u fsa fix made for the !xereife of his power, -Which.beftleu:'hyftfn`fileisfhantfkrAvhillifraasvo llltit up. Ahdths fome fuppofe it _is:.nò ptherwilcll> TlaaFusvhdredæsithâ'Ilodrferaìgdr male Out grace, and'favout, iodroifinners.inecanfowErilais jiiftidtnnefeffartlyg 'fling hint to their pùnifhmeity'and..deftruLfion; r.Nmu chat jofficeefirxngfapsfl in Chrifl, he can collate, any fpiriteialrb1eßingslpiannethamyasQic feeth good. But this I have difptotred elfewheiè,, and maáfbfted.,s Í.) That the foundation of thiïlslipxehenfon fbeiîig an tmpo nibilit} in Gs1d1 to forgive fin; without fatisfa&ìon; sbeeaufe of tee contrariety ofit to the propérties of his nature) is a'groimäiefs adertion. Acid, "s - di <_rri-1 to ' bm ll pro gelb,, Ch fI r i Cent on :Dei -f t S fur, fest i`fafée a 9R h { t vi a f xoremGlad fe um aliquo m do reftitu t Amer. Antifinod, p rv;..: dnuq noO' x.) Is