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Of the death of Chrifiz. 2.) The foundation of God, in fending is Son to die for 3 3 pugned hereby. And, g his clef!, is oP- 3.) It is deftruCtive to all theproper fruits, and effeets of the death of Chri4, Vii. Lib. 2. Cap. 2. [z.] In the will of God, it feems that the merit and fruits of the death of Chrift, whereof we treat, feem better to be treafured: and from hence it is, that he can will, or willeth to us the good things pnrchafed by it. But, r.) That the will of God fhould by the death of Chriff be changed into any other habitude, than what it was in before, was before Afproved. a.) That now Godcan will good things to us, holds out the enlargement of hispower as to the thong thereof, mentionedabove, rather than any thing pro- perly belonging to the will of God. 3.) God's willing good things to us, it cannot confift in ; his willing of a thing is operative of it : it is his efficacious energetical will Whereof we £peak. When he aflually willethgrace, we have grace ; and when he willeth glory, we have glory ; but that concerning which we (peak, is antecedent to the aftual making out of grace, and glory to us, being the procuring esule of them; though not of that aft of the will of God, whereby they are bellowed. [3.] His juftice, and truth only remain. For juifice, that which is com- mutativeproperly, with one.confent is removed from God. Who bath given fill unto him, and it Jhall be render'd unto him again ? a Neither is diffributive juftice to be fuppofed in him, antecedent to fame freeengagement of his own. Where no obligation is, there cannot be fo much as diftributive juftice property. All obligation from God to the creature, is from his own free engagement other- wife he Rands in no relation to it, but of abfolute dominion, and fovereignty. All the juRice of God then (we confidernot the univerfal refeitude of his na- ture, but) in reference r.. oSe. .-.eature, es puit'e :,u ; pfal 3 s 9t I. 5. and therefore mufffuppofe fome free conftitution of his will 4i s. h. This then rightly confider'd, t do I affirm to be affefied with the merit of Chia : there I place the procuring efficacy thereof, whence it is, that all the fruits of it are madeout unto us. But this in due order. The fir4 thing of immediate concernment hereunto, is the covenant of the fag Cher withthe fon : the freeesgagementof God, to do fuch and futh things for Chriff, upon theperformance of fuels other things to him appointed. This is the foundation ofthe merit of Chrift as wasbefore declared. Hence his diflributive suffice afcribed to God, asro this thing. It is righteous with him being engaged by his own free purpofe and promife, to make out thofe things, which he to be the fruit and procurement of the deathof Chri4. And from thence it is, that all the things purchafed by the death of Chri4, become due to thofe for whom he died : even from the equity attending this Mike of God. Ed Herein alto his truth bath a (hare; by his truth, I underhand his fi'deH= ty and veracity in the performance of all his engagements. This immediately at- tends everyobligation that by any freeaf} of his will,God ispleafed inhis wifdout to put upon himfelf:t and is naturally under conhderation before that difttibu= Cive juftice, whereby he isiucltn'd to the performance it Pelf of them. This then is that I fay ; Godby free. purpofe and compati .making way for the merit of Chri4; which abfolutely could be none, is obliged from the veracity and inflict, which -attends all his engagements, to make out as in his infinite wifdom (hall Teem meet; all thofe things which he bath fet, appointed, and propofed ás the fruit and purchafe of his death, into all them for whom he died. And in this, refs the merit of Chri4. Heretwo things may beobferved;. p`Si de debitum queratur, retpettu creature in Drum cadere non potefl ; alti inaliqua fop, eticione ipfi Dee veluntaria & libera: qua: non porefl ebbME pramiOlo ant polio aliqua, :x qui. bus fidelitatis ant ¡ubitie debitummiri folet, Soarer, ReleD, de Lib. Div. Vela. Difp. L. Di. Set. t'Ñulla jutiitia proprie ee u calla ;dit n ; Deus m nulls obliga- tione fo am atriogae; Ergo ante promiìonrm nano ¡Wilda difributiva in reperieu,,o f g. at. a. r. difp, 86. a. What