Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of the death of Chrift. 34. What we afcribe to the merit of Chrift : viz. The accomplifhment of that condition, which God required to make way, that the obligationwhich he had freely put upon himfelf, might be in a&tual force. And fo much, (hole rightly, I leave to himfelf to confider) Both Mr. Baxter afñgn to our own works : 74 a6. page 1ç0, a. The mtllake of thofe whowind up the merit of Chrift, as affecting Gods. if I may fo fpeak, unto a conditional engagement, viz. That we thall be made partakers of the fruits of it, upon fuch and fuch conditions, to be byus ful- filled. For, (i.) All fuch conditions (if Spiritual blelfings) are part of the purchafe of the death of Chrift : and if not, are no way fit to be conditions of fuch an at- (a.) It cannot be made apparent how any fuch conditional Stipulation can tainment. . be afcribed unto God. That God Ihould engage upon the death of Chrift, to make out grace and glory, liberty and beauty, unto thofe for whom he died, upon condition they do fo, or fo, a.) Leaves no proper place for the merit of Chrift. a.) Is very improperly afcribed unto God. Lawyers tell tus, that ail p la tions about things future, are either Jul Conditions or f or engagements upon condition, that are properly fo, do fuppofe him that makes the engagement to be altogether uncertain of the event thereof. Stipulations fub 7rmino are abfolute, to make out the things engaged about at fuels a.fea- fon. Upon the very instant of fuch a ftipulation as this, an obligation follows as to the thing, though no afrion be allowed to him to whom it is made, un- til the term and time appointed be come. In thofe Stipulations that ate under condition, no obligation will liar arifeth all l from them, it being whisnv.io`aio w tachci no. Only in cwu cafes doth fuch an engagement bring on a. immediate obi ligation. u. If the condition required be in things neceffary and unalterable a as if Cairo should engage himfelf unto Vim to give him an hundred pounds for his Isoufe on the morrow if the fun pine : here arifeth an immediate obligation, and it is the fame as if it hadbeen conceived only fub Termino, without condition at all. a. If by any means, he that makes the flipulation, knows infallibly, that the condition will be fulfilled, though he to whom it is made, knowsit.not. In this zefpeet alfo, the Stipulation fub Condition, introdueeth an immediate obligation, and in that regard, is co-incident with that which is onlyfub Trmine. Whether an engagement upon condition properly, without the former refpefts, that is a Stipulation to an event dubious and uncertain, can be .afcribed unto ,God, is eafy to determine. To affect it, oppugns the whole nature of the Deity, and overthrows properties thereof, immediately pulaosunder condition are coincident, a Ifid before, with hat which is fub 7ermino only, from whence arifeth an immediate obligation for the perfor- mance of the thing Stipulated about.; though there be not an immediate A-lion granted himunto whom it Is made. Surely they are wide, if not very wild, who affirm, that all the Stipulations God upon condition. which felf knows to be for hem to perform to upon they are made, which amongft wife men are always accounted nugatory and null. Thisbeing then fo vain, I fay that the merit of Chrift flowing from the free purpofe and compa of God, refteth on his juftice thence alfo arifing, fixing thereon anilpbligation to make out all the fruits of it, nt unto them for whim he died, fablermino only ; whereby a prefent right is granted them thereuo, they cannot plead for prefent enjoyment. CHAP