O f the death o f Christ. 35 C H A P. XI. More particularlyof the flute uni right of them for whomth rift u fo believing. . * m H E .former affertions about the merit bfjGhrift, ’•being fo fome meafure cleared; wermay hence have light into the ftate and condition of thofe. for whom Chrift died in their;feverai generations before believing; 3' W lT ° “lake this tHdmoire fully appear, wfeffiuft diftingnifh between poffeffiohj and their rprefeiii right. Their ftate is hot bp^ufoall: the1ptbcureihents o fth fTTdeath of Chrift, are to be made 'OUt uhto them by virtue of alHpulatibnfub'teminb, that term or feafon being ftate, I leave: them as before, nbt 'ju- ■ ftified, not fandrifted, not ehter*d into covenant; Right alfoistWofold, ■ ’P i . In re* aS-thefather hath aright to;his eftatS. ; And this in re, holds^ though theeftate•be:unjuftly, or forcibly detained fromhim.' ' R yy£.c:Xd rent,- fothe-fon hatha-right to the eftate of'his father, being toeniov it Kic inaSfHtK ‘ ,, . O . . ■ '.V, _ The f right is pfofently. aftionable Upon-any Hetaihmeht: ihe latternot1fo: The firfty we 'db.;not aforibe^ to the eleft in thif tfondition,1^&/:that which in re; and iriftdhHy-^ionabfej but that which is ddremfandfub ternino. ' This being that which 1 aimed at, and being by Mb'Baxter oppofed, I will further cbnfiderit;thafc it may ^«thfev^ny thing in this aljfertion'be juftly _ I faid, that by the deathofChrift, we have aBual right totheTpoodthings purchafed by thitt death. That right which is;not actual (to fpeak a wOrd to that xenh) is ridt; The contradiftind affedion hereunto, is potential. And this is totally deffiruftive to tHferiacureof a right : all right !is adual, dr 'not at all. * To evince the main aflertion j T fhall, £- 3i. -Shew the nature\and quality of hi$:right*:: Li -a; The bottombr foundation of it; and, "| 3;1Prove the T hefts.'•• l llp jffBy •uiiderftartd1^ in general,,hoipjm eft, quod juftum ift, •Aiig; ift' pfal. 144; 'fubrfih;’!Tferf'is'right, which it isjuft fhould be?'[And quiquid re&iithefti .juftum eft, Anfel. de verit. Cap.' if. Triis Sll-that fliould'be, which hath h re&itude in it felf. Farther; what this'' Aquinas tells;ybu; afcj.\ .q . fif'd , iv-ci jufttim ’ eft quod, refpbnikt fetuhdieni. aliquant aqualitatem alteri. Then a juft’-1whenit ftands in ^m e:ieq\rilifjr-unto thqfe things wherfeunto it ‘^elates.- And tMs equality'or adequation Of'things is twofold. | T h a t . wh'ifch arifeth 'fromJthe nature oif the thing's themfelves • as an JeyfeTo£ an eye, ^tbothfor a-3tbothi;dr<:. - f;. - Secondly, That which arifeth ;ftom a proportion‘cOndefcended untb, by coddtSi agreement, covenant, or, common confent. ^Diipliciter eft dliqiiid adaquatumuno 'mb'do'■ex ndturdipfim rei v alio modoctiht 'eft comrheiifuratum ex conditio five ex comfnuni ■ placitb, Aquin. . p j. i' . In the firft,fenfe^1as to a right\that fliould accrue unto the Oreatures in r'elpeft •brXJbdy frbiii the (fommenfuratiohof;:the things' tHemfeivesi1;We fhewed before that it cannot be. It muft be from fome grant, conyad* Coveninti or the iikd, from Whence a righri;ih reference to the frithfulhefs oi righteoufnefsofvGod, may arife. The right then1whereof We fpeak, Which they for.whbni GKrift died, Have to the things:whfeh b f hisdeath areiprOcure^ cbUfifts in't^at equi- ty,4proportion, and equality, which upon the free compafV, cqflftitUtion, 'Wd confent ' of God the Father^ is'between the' death of Chrift, and their enjoy- iiient of the frUitS of that death". - It-is juft and equal; that they fliould enjoy the fruits bf*his!;dfeath in duetime;: 'Neither:: is-the1right1of-any jnan,; td any thing, any more, but fuch a, frame and order of things, that..is juft either' from the nature of the things themfolves; pi* frqm common confent and agrees meat,