Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

36 Of the death td- /);l( ment, that he fhould enjoy that thing. T7ais is the right waaereot e e speak' which in their fenfe the very Sccinia;u grant. C1.411u4 fur quoddant ad obtinendant rem f onempeccatotum 27 falatem (marts fua) nebis dedit, Crellius adv. Goti. Cap. I. a. For the foundation of this right, feeing that before the confideration of the death of Chrik (as seas deçlar'd ) it is not, from thence it nauk needs be, nothing of any likelihood to be fuch a foundation being co-incident there withal. Nowwhereas in the death of Chrift two things are confidered : (t.) The fa- tisfaflion; and (a.) The merit thereof ; it may be .enqu-r'd after, under whe- ther refpe& this right relates thereunto. (r) The fatisfaftion of Chrik tends in all that it is, to the honour and re- paration of the juftice of God. This rhea in its utmoft extent and efficacy, can- riot give ground to build fach a right upon. The ultimate effeft of latisfaftion, maybe accomlpifhed, and yet not the leak right to any good thing communi- cated to them, for whom this fatisfaftion is made. The good things attending the death. of Ch rift may be referr'd unto two heads : the amution of evil, and the collation of good. For thefzrfi, the emotion of evil, the taking that from us, that it may not grieve us, and fubdufring us from the power and prefento thereof, it is immediately aimed at by fatisfaftion. That the cupfe of the law be not executed, that the wrath to come be not poured out, is the utmok teach of the death of Chrift coufider'd as fatisfaiory. Yea in it (elf, as only fuck, it proceedeth not fo far, as to give us a right to et-cape theft things, but only prefents that to the juftice of God, whereby it may be preferv'd in all its glory, feverity, and exalt purity, though theft things be not indi&ed on us. This I fay, I conceive to be the ntmoft tendencyof the death of Chrik as fa- tisfaftory. That condemnation cannot potlïbly de fiado follow, where fuçh la- tisfaetion bath been made, is immedi.,ruly from tae equityof juftice fo repair- ed as above. For pofitive good things, in grate and glory by fasfEèion alone, they are not at all reTpeded. ) There is the merit of the death of Chrik, and that principally intend- éth the glory of God in our enjoying thofe good things, whereof it is the merit or defect. And this is the foundation of that right whereof sse treat, What Chrik hath merited for us, it is jut and equal we Gould have ; that is, we have right unto its and this before believing. Faith gives us aflual,poiref- faora as to fome part, and a new pattional right, as to the whole; but this right, or that equalling of things upon divine conflituticn, whereby it be- comes juk and right that we fhould obtain the thingspueçhafed by it, is from the merit of Chrik alone. What 'Chriil bath merited is fo far granted, as that they for whom it is fo merited.:have a right unto it. The fum then of what we have to prove is, Thatehe merit of the death of the Lord Jefus, halls according to the conlli- tution of the Father, fo procured of him the good things aimed at, and in- tended thereby, that it is ¡sit, right, and equal, that they for whom they am fo procured, fhould certainly and infalliblyenjoy them at the appointed feafon; and therefore unto them they have an aftual right, even before believing; faith itfelf being of the number of thofe things fo procured. All which I prove as followeth ; t. The very terms before mentioned, enforce no lefs. If it be juflum before their believing, that thofe for whom Chrik died, fhould enjoy the fruits of his death ; then have they even before believing, jes, or a right thcreunro : for jar eff, quod jußum eft, that it is right and equal that they fhould enjoy thofe fruits is manifeft. For, (t.) It was the engagement of the father to the fon upon 'his undertaking to die for them, that they Gould fo do, Ifa. 53. to, r t, rz. (a.) In that undertaking he accomplifhed all that was of him required, geh.. r 7. 4. a. That which is merited and procured for any one, thereunto, he, for whom it is procured, certainly bath a right. That which is obtained for me, is min° in ainal right, though net perhaps in aftual poi-region. The thing that isobtain- `Inseft operatio isla quails aqualims: Pefant. in TOM. :2. S. 57: