Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of the death of t;bbrif, 37 ed is granted by him of whom it is obtained, and that unto them for whom it is obtained. In fome fenfe or other, that is a man's, which is procured for him. In fäying it is procured for him, we 'fay no lefs. If this then be not in refpeft of pofieflion, it mull be in refpedi of right. Now all the fruits of the death of Chrift are obtained, and procured by his merit Is. them, u ehafingrthem whom with hie own blood, obtains fir them z8. Pleb. eternal 14. 1 Pet. redemption, 8. Gal. e. 4. Reo. 54. 3, 4. The very nature of merit defcribell by the Apotle, Rom. 4. 4.' infers no lefs. Where merit intercedes, the efteft is reckoned as of debt : that which is my due debt, I have a right unto. The fruits of the death of Chrif, . are the ilfues of merit, bottomed on God's gracious acceptation, and reckoned as of debt. He for whom aranfont is paid, kath a right untohis liberty by virtue of that payment. 3.' z`Pet. 1. e. the faints are laid to obtain precious faith through the righteoufnefof God. It is a righteous thing with God, to give faith to theirs for whomChriR died becaufe thereby they have a right untoit: faith being amongtl the molt precious fruits of the death of Chrift, by virtue thereof becometh their due for whom he died. 4. The condition of perlons under merit, and demerit, in refpeft of good or evil is alike : the proportion of things requires it. Nowmen under demeritare under an obligation unto punifhment : and it is a righteorts thing with God, to re- compence tribulation unto them, z Theft 1. 6. it being the judgment of God that they rho do fuch things, are worthy ofdeath, Rom: 1. 32. They then who are under . merit, have elfo a right unto that whereof it is the merit. It is not of any force to fay, that they are not under that merit, but only upon Condition. For this is, f fl falle : fecandly, with God this is all one as if there were nocondition at the feafon and term appointed; forthe making out the fruit of that merit, as hath been declared. Neither yet to objeft, that it is not their town merit, but of another which refpefts them : that other being their furety, doing that *hereby he merited only on their behalf; yea in their Read; they dying with him ; though the, fame in them could not have been meritorious, they beingat belt, mere men; and at wont, very finful men. 5. A compach or covenant being made of giving life and falvbeion upon the condition of obedience to certain perlons,-that condition' being compleatly ful- filled as it was in the death ofChrift, claim being made of the promife, ac- cording to the tenor of the compat, and the perfons prefented for the enjoyment of it, rarely chofe perlons have an aftuàl right unto it ; that all this is fo, fee fa. 49. ;3,4, 5, 6,&c. Pfal. z. z g Ifa g 3. ro, 1 r; I a. Yoh. 17. 3. and z. z 1. Fieb. z. And fo much for this alto, concerning the illue of the death of Chrift, and tkf right of the eleft to the fruits of it before believing. CHAP. XII. O' the wry rvhekby they afleatly attain and enjoy faith and grace, robe) have a right thereauto by the deathof Chriji. . Ogian H E way and caufes . of bellowing faith on thein; who are under the ft T 1 condition before defcribed, is the nextthing to be enquired after. fyì =3ad:,a What are the thoughts of God from eternity concerning thole for whom Chrift was to die, with the Rate they are left in, in relation to thole thoughts ; as allo what is the Will of God towards: them, immediately nponthe confederation of the death of Chrift, with the right which to them accrues thereby, being coniìder'd, iç remaineth,, ISay, that we declare the way and method, whereby they obtain faith through the righteoufners of God. And here we muff lay down certain petitions : As; 1. Notwithftanding the right granted them for whom Chrift died, uponhis death, to a better Rate and condition in due time, that is, in the feafon; fuit- K e