Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

38 Of the death of CbriIt. ing the infinitely wile tortreignty of ben, y_ et as co are prarca: condition to point of enjoyment, they are not aftually diherenc'd from others t their pyre are anabomination to the Lord, Prov. 28.9. all things are to them unclean,. 5. They are under thepower of Satan, Eph. 2. 2. In bondage unto death, Hob. 2. 14. Obnoxious to the curfe, and condemning power of the law in the confeierce, Gal. 3. t3.. having fin reigning in them, Rom. 6. 17. tïc. 2. What fpiritual blelfings foever are bellowed on any foul, I mean peculi- arly dittinguifhing mercies and graces, they b are hallruenwed and collated for. Chrin's rake : that is, they are p y interceffion thereupon. That fupernatural graces cannot be traduced from any natural faculty, or at- tained by the utmoft endeavour of nature, how foever álfe&d with outward advantages, I now take for granted. Theft things I loo'd upon the 4fre gifts of love : fo the Scripture, .fob. 15. 5.ßc 3. 5. Epb. Eph. 2. to. Matt. er. 25,26. ALTS t6, 14. Now the difpenfation of all thefe,. as it is through thrift, fo they are for Chrift. On Peter and `Iudru are are bellowed it for fake, ya iWhence is this difference? Prefuppofng God's fovreign, difcriminatiug pi_rpofe, the im- givenaon leobehalfof caure Until believe onhim, Phil. 1. =Tit . We are Cara Glei'ed with al re- tinue' cove- nant, isef erttainly of his procureinent wfor therefore he is the f irety, ókb. 7.22.. And his blood, the ranfom he paid, is the blood of the covenant, Matt. a6. 28. r. Whereb all the roifes so. And whether faith be thereof, of the become bleilings of the covenant, an concluded in thepeomife thereof or no ; let the Scripture be judge, `,lei. 31. 31, 32. E2.ek.3f. 26. Seh. 8. 9, to, r1. Furthermore, what we have through him, we have for him. An thin being made out on this condition, that he fhould make his Soul an ofering er fir, Ifa. 53. ro. 3; That an out by procurements of a [fipulacon fit!, ermino inor in refpehh ofsthee to be made and point d by hewilllof heyfaher. made out beforen the feafon limitrd and app 4. No biding can.be, given us for Chrif's fake, unlefs in order of natut, Chrill be fir4 reckoned unto us. Here I muff do two things ; (1.) Declare what I mean by reckoning Chril' unto us: and then, (a.) Prove the alfertion as laid down. (o.) God's reckoning rfinster, prefent hefdied, the fo far, as imputing of Chit =coat unto ungodly, him theirs, to bellow faith and grace upon them for his false. This then I fay, at the accomplifhment of the appointed time, the Lod reckons, and accounts, and makes out his Son Cürifl, to fuch and fuch ftnnes, and for his fake gives them faith, 6c fExercifnga of love in flowing of grace upon any particular ChriR's fake, cloth fuppofe this accounting of ChrüE to be bis,cand from then' he is fo indeed : which is the prefent Lhefs. And, (a.)This may be proved. For, [i') Why loth the Lord bellow faith on Peter, not on goda, ? Bemire Chit. dying for Peter, and purehafng for him the grace of the covenant, he had Peter at the adir', right unto it, and God according to his promife bellowed it : with : fudcu, i was not fo. But then, why Both the Lord bellow faith on fo ma i year of his age, and not before, or after ? Becauf then the term is P giving in, the beginning of the thing purchafed unto him. What then cloth the Which upon the purchafe, was by the counfel of God's will prefixed tot e desth procuring the gift, not mo ngttheM1win of the giver,,rhe creates faa thin Chafes him, by the way and means fuited to. finch a work, Eph. r. i8, 9 Chap. beli `t 0.c. If then this be done for Chrih's fake, then is Chrifl made ours, before w. ._. ._... . ..---...._.;_.. ,..__a..