Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

FJ/ the dr-Itb of Chrift. we have in due tine, the time appointed, tree anti cull :deliverance thereby, without the intervention of anycondition on our parr, net abfoluiely procured for us by his death ; Ihave before declared. blow much this comes Short ofaftuel and abfolute: (unification,. I need not now mention : I shall therefore only fo far confider the anfwers given by Mr.. Baxter; as they may feem to impair or entrench upon the main truthI affert, and that in the order by him laid down. 7hefe, faith he, Mr. Owen layeth down. 1. By death he delivereth stt from death. To which he anfwers Not immediately nor abfolutely, nor by his death alone, but by that as a price, feppoftng other carder on his part, and conditions on ours, to concur before the aUua! deliverance. I. Towhat end I mention that place of theApoRle was before declared. 2. By the death of ,Chrift we are immediately delivered from death with that :immediation which is proper to the efficiency of caufes,.which produce their effefts by _ the way of moral procurement í that is certainly, without the in- tervention of any other caufe of the like kind;, And, 3. Abfolutely, no condition being interpofed between the caufe and the effe&, -Chrif's death, and our total deliverance, but fuels as is part of ourdeliverance, and folely procured by that death though that death of Chrift be not confi- der'd as alone, that is fepsrated from his obedience, refurreetion, and intercel .lion, when thework of redemption is affigned to it in the Scripture. 4-- By the death of Chrift as a price: I fuppofe you underhand his purahafe, as well as his payment ; his merit as weg as his fatisfation ; or elfe this is a falfe notion of the death. of Chrift, as the caufe of our deliverance. S. All othercaufes concurring on the part of. Chrift for our deliverance, are, F :ril, Either not of the fame kind wich his death : Or, Secondly, Bottom'd on his death, and flowing from thence ; fo that fummarily all may be refolv'd thereinto. 6. The conditions on our part, in the fenfe intended, are often mentioned, neverproved ; nor I am perfuaded will never be. But he adds a. Hefaith theele£i are Paid to die, and rife with Chrjh, faith he, (1.) Not in refpetd of time, as if we died and roje at the fame time, either reaRy, or ho God's effeem, (a.) Not that we died in his dying, and rofe in his rifng. Bury, (3.) B is fpoken. of the diant mediate éffebbs ofhis death, and the immediate ?Ms of his fpirit on us, riling by regeneration to union andcommunion with Cbrifl. So he. .t. I pats the finnl, and frond exceptions that of God's not eleemingof us as in Chrift, upon hisperformance of the alts of his mediation forus, might admit of tonic. confideration: a. The inference here couched, that theft things are the immediate efeEls of Chriffs fpirit on to, therefore thedi(lant and immediate efrefisof hra death for us, is very weak and unconcluding. The death of Chrift procureth there things as a caufe moral and impelling t the fpirit worketh as an efficient, and therefore the fame thing may be the immediate effe& of then both, according to their fa- venal kinds of efficacy. And fo indeed they are. Our a&ual convection, die efficient whereofis the fpirit, is the immediate procurement of the merit of ChriR : fee this at large in my treatife. oppofed. I know not any man that hath run out intomore wide about the immediate etkfts of the death of Chrift, than Mr. Baxter, who pretends to fo math accuretenefs in this par- ticular. ;. He faith, adds Mn Baxter, Chnfl bath redeemed nos from the cure, being made a eurfe for on. I explained Sait r he, before how far we are freed by redemption : Ile loath reflored tit; that is, paid the price, but with no intent that wefhopld by that redemption, be immedi- ately or abfoluiely freed. Terwhen we are freed, it is to be afcribed to bú death as the meritorious caufe, but not as theonly caufe. t. A being freed fo far, or fo far, by redemption, and not wholly, ,fully, of. compleatly, whatever men may explain, the Scripture is ,wholly filmic of. a. That Chrift in paying a price, had no intent that thofe he paid it for, fbould be immediately or abfoluiely freed, is crudely enough affected. OF the imme- diatenefsof their delivery, I have fpoken already. It hath as Rrift an immedi- atiolt as the nature of loch caufes and effello will bear. I If