Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

__ of the An h of CbriIt. If he intended net that thole for-whomhe died fhould be alrfolutely freed, then eithet he intended not their fteedorn at all, and sib, the negation is upon the term freed: or the ne ation4lf.lhis nirention is 'only as to the qualifica- tion, abfolutely, and fo his intention' to free them is affected, and the affeEtion of abfolueceefs in that intention, only decried. If the farfl he meant ; Fir/ì, It is contrary to innumerable exprufs tellimonies of Scripture. Secondly, It renders theboa. of God-dying with no.deteìminate end, or defigned purpofe at ,all,'in nsfereme to them for whom he died : a thing the would not afcribc to a wife man, in a far snore cafyundertaking. If the Second : I. I delire to know, what is this invention here affigned to our Saviour ? Ice paid a price, or ranfom for us, he .bought and purchafed us by his blood; to be Is peculiar people to himfelf; bu redeemed us from the curie and wxath, due..co us, that we may be conditionally freed. All things intended under tdndition, are as to their accomplifhment- udeettain 'Ilse condition-may btb¡e' fulfilled, or it may not be fulfilled ; and theltefetë. the thin ihfl i theret 1 lt.ìll hhen. no certainty as to its aceomplifhthttitye-alre..mt uioi h4sb 'ái.o aamgfárzfih,iámIn that which is afcribed to the'yóYiß d1.4 ti$ t.:hi- ivt hog down his life a rantm fo m,rij'nd lfffìng lß3iN, " "té ftce 7ha efidstiæ g' from death, praying together that. thole for hohem be d ed,' might $e Tidal:ti's' offlit glory ; yet was altogether uncertain Whether ever any one of them; tabula at all partake of the good things, which in his whole undertaking of, mediation, he aimed at. Thus is he made a furety of airtsfanuettails chvenanti u. purshafer df an inheritance perhaps never to be enjoyed,'a ptlBfle'tfänélifying -none by his facrifice, égc.eh.fCedom dcpendsíiii a. Is the accomplifhment of this condition, ui on wpp the intention of Chrii?, certain in his mind under that intention s1ntielisk an-Malice ur it `` good Wing their to lfil the condition to them prefeeibed ? See then, whither you have rolled this ftone ? 'I' he folly, and abfurdity of this, bath been long force fufficiently difcobered. But is it from hence, becaufe by his death, he l urchafetlr for them, the-con, pleating the condition in them? Thus, he pays a price with intention that thofe for whom hepays it, (hall be freed, by enjoying that freedom ureter filch a condition as be procures for them ; and thereupon knows that are the ap- pointed time, it (hall be wróught'in them. What differs this in the dote _from abfolute freedom ? Further : feign fame of them for whom Chrifradied to'fiilftl this. t of re, others cot ; and it will be more evident, thantheogreatefl utceeitati y P o as to the ifíues of his death, muff be affigned to him in his. dying. 'lhepsì- truce of an effefkoal difcriminating purpofe of free grace, follbwong the spui- pofe of giving Chrift promifcuoufly: for all, will not falve the conthadiditins of this'affertion. But the troth is, this whole figment.of conditional freedom, is every way unfavoury; that very thing which isa signed for die., condition h our freedom, potential, ditionl'1enot adu not abfolute vitlfi es n deCffeftsh of tk den, P death of Chri(t, have been abundantly difproved .already. That which follows in Mr. Baxter from page .15s, unto page ry/S,..Chaaf. judgment abmit eh; tthingss in hand me wherein aÍthoughdeclaration many tthings are not only itidoiirmddioua). exprefied, to fuit the unfcriptural method of tistlemueriiees, Th foe er framed in his mind, but -alfo dire!Uy opp y he meddle with it, referring them who defoe faeisfaction in this. hufinefs, a ferious confderation of what I have Whitten to this .purpofe. Page t55. Chap. so. he returns to the confideration of my afferticn concerning our deliverance ipfo fhtiò, by the blood.of Chuff.. And tells y did n5da ILy and Z do not omde tu¡d M Owen his Weaning, fits 7 faith, that Chrift. , . >mhe,d ipfo faelo, deliver enfrom the curfe and obligation- yet wed . e his and perceive it, nor yet p efs it : but only roe have tainal eight to all tr death, &c. So he. The