Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

of the death of Chrift, believe, whatever Mr. Baxter be pleated to cenfvre. Ic is f 45 give the harden cenfures, than to anfwer the eafieft arguments. (3.) The place where faith 'u i6 far more to nér how; J n éth I am ments. which of all other was co m not foddion, about, as the as st is our new obedience: yet that in this work, t looks further than man- lie conceive not to be once, I eafily grant. The molt ofwhat is fubjoyned n the confci- what went. before. 1 Yned to thefe exceptions, is fully much as poffible, I Ihall avoid Y in whereas he. affirmeth, That to have right to repetitions of and fame is all one ; I mull needs enter my 7 fi ficatran, ich t things : until be attempted to be Y drflènt thereunto : which o have poon of it; put upon the proof. If he !hall fay, may fat re junification at the day of judgment, is the fame h that a to ht aftual junification, it is neither true, nor any with the to a future In the clofe, he Y e to the no e in hand. thoughts about theimmediate effefts ofthe death enters into another matter his pretends to great r, Chrin t a being I inguifh. aright of them, cenfuring others, for not b wherein difcoufes thereabout *. Particularly fo t( here he of labour invain, to their to. fuppofe, thatannal remiicul and denies, and calls it den ermas death, or any right thereunto, junification are immediate eftefts ofhis dements. which he attempteth to prove by fundry the effels of the death of Y therennto,. f have fpoken at lace before' and what relation they all is o- niedito bean immediate efe/lgof the death of annal it re- túiffion, notoncementioned fn the hook Chrin, and potential roe room thereof,.and his álfo in o of to is taIitha fd livered, in the brief! confider his arguments, PPgiv a to what I had delivered, I !1tá11 y co n t , and fo give an end to thisdebate. i. ¡flee rightforcer God grarth unto men in things fupernatura, fuch a remua and adoption, he giveth t by his written laws. But by stiö,` no filch th g to. any unbelievers, fads as are the a/et7 Lefore convecon : therefore, &c. y rhefe laws he teeth given The major is evident : God's decree giveth no man a perfonal right to the mercy ed him. And fir the minor, no man can produce the Scripture vi a right. y intend- g the laws of God in the gi ng to unbelievers fuch (1. Takin !rift and proper fenfe, a truth, that what right God gives to any, he P y it is far laws; that indeed the laws of God give no right toan e, con it ni gia any written ! ewhe- ther fuperntural or otherwife, end y are, concerning give e thing, but exact obedience f : and that chiefly, of the law e right, proper, genuine . fignification of God's laws, w the sum, folely. The ufual obedience, I know not why Mr. Baxter fhudbbrin his 0, ,ed the for our of his fingle apprehenfion to be a medium in an argument.emHence,h the latitude (s,) Here is not a fuf dent annumeration of caufes ; the promifes of God are to be added, and thofe either made to us, or to any other for our good. But, (3.) That the decree of God gives to no man a right to the thing concerning which the decree is, is fo far from being a fugcient proof of the major, that it is in it felf very quellionable, if not nnquenionably falfc. That the decree . gives not being and exinence to the things concerning which it is, is an old rule. That no right fhoald from it arife, unto that thing by virtue thereof, is not yet fo clear. Right is but fin : jus off quad juffu,n f. If it be jut/. or right, that any one fhould have fuch a thing, he is faid to have a right thereunto. Now, fuppofmg the decree of God, II that a man (hall by fuch means, have fuch a thing, is it not ¡oft, equitable and condecent unto íighteongtcfs that he Mould have it? But yet further, (g.) We arenot at all fpeaking of a right founded on God's decrees (which confidering what was propofed to be proved by this argument ; I wonder how it found any mention here) (a) but upon two other things. ' Win vd ,ua¡449ay f µ fre3a+. ant her-tarot, F. de Leg. t Jolt 3. a. D ium nil out act ' ..tpetn. I E h. (a)eC P tin e(fe, ptxdeQioa[io tin act P 1. a a Pet. T. n ar mom exit? A Prxdefkìnato, M 1.) The