Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

46 Of the dead) of,thrift. and x.) The covenant of Gad with Chrift okehis the oupan offering whichcove raving ref thofe, for wlwfeme is containing in it fell all thofe promifes Want refpeBeing Chriftas mediator ,Ç,ód andman, is not to be reckoned among and engagements ent and neon of g felf. NOW rinr this covenant, God engaged tlhimfel , as I faidPbefore, to make out afee° thofe ha°sú whom Chrift s good peafueavasvaffigned thereunto. (b) And this is the fiefs bottom of this right. z) The diivine cfo.fit tionlxlreieugitocallott d, by and things le debt of their fin for whom he fuffexed, which was exonerated is the whol charged on him ; he )snake's _demand of the accompliíhment of the forementioned engagement gw 1sofe finsdwere.11ad oconcerning l hin,nnd the whole freedom brnand deliverance of glory he pa- fops theft two, I fay it is, that our right dertook. to the fruits of the death of Chrift, even before believing, dour depend : from hence at leaft it is right and equal, ehri we in else time o the of enjoy the deathhofgChr ft affirmed conC we have cap only ly be believing fifth a right, as bath, at leaft in pert, çá}ß ed alñ of a jie. re, part, conjoyned aftual po(feffion, believing it fèlf being no fmalppoxtion of theft fruits. {Mall Tisis argument then bung fallacious, omitting the chief caufes in annocme- faulty, in concludes thadthe fiefs thilogrpropofpdito be confirmed was, that cemiífion of ration, lip, and juItification see not the immediate effefts of ChriG's death, whereof in this argument there is ia1 ycd- and we aye.. all by nature the children of a. If God hates all. the works of iniquity >. moth, and without faith it n iptpofble to pleafe God, and he that believeth not is con- demned al?endy, then se,tnr0ly the ele2 n'bile. they are unbelievers, are not allually de fa(.io, no no. in profonal' right deliveredfont this hatred, wrath, dífpleafure, and con- , But, Ergo. (i.) Tisis argument, for what indeed it will prove, is handled at large in my, trcatife of redemption, as alto bath _urgxdofin the pager foregoing. Againit aftnal jùítification from eternity, t the rest whiny unbelievers, are not aftaully (z) It e. a inq c c,_ firth. and de facie Rut in pófet(ton of the Miles of love, faith being with the fiefs of them.(3.)'Elise they have not upon thq grounds forementioned,. a right to theft But, things. Or, u(tifiçátìoq is not immediate effe£u of the death. of Chrift (i,) That j t it h h the fame unhappinefs with the former, (beutg the Cole things in queltion) at. not once to mention. If we are jufüfied only byfaith, then certainly not beforefaith. But we arejuflied only by faith, Ergo. 7 flificatiort before faith, but a right to the (t.) If I miftake not, it is not u fiuits of the death of Chrift before faith that is tobe proved. (z);' That juftification is not the immediate ; effeet the death of comes Chrift: nto whichends for this. argument, voleat quantum: voter pouf within many miles of the thing in queftior. So that with the abfurd anfwers fuppofed thereunto, we pars it by. of the two other that follow, being of The like alto I enforced to fth the fame length and breadth tgth, thofe foregoing too Mort and narrow to co- ver the things in queftions fo that thorigh otee they ay. proved, there th to their own, proper et.d, yet se to the lug xway- lead their, genuine conclufions loofing-ilia, If I might take roe liberty of guefng> I fhould fuppolo the miftake which this author to all this labour in vain, is, that the immediate efte&s of the (I) Ifa. 7, 8; 9; (o) Job. 17. 4. a Zim. 3, 16. Jeh, 17, lid, 9,14. death