Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

Of the death of Chrift. 47 death of Chrift mull be immediately enjoyed by them for whom he died: Which affertion hash not indeed the leali colour of truth. The effefts of the death of Chrift are not Paid to be immediate, in reference to others enjoyment of them, but unto their caufality by that death. Whatever it be, that in the firft place is made out to finners for the death of Chrift, when ever it be done, that is the immediateelfeft thereof, as to them: as to them, I fay, for in its firft tendency, it hath a more immediate objell. If Mr. Baxter go on with his intentions about a trait concerning univerfal redemption, perhaps we may have thefe things cleared : and yet we muff tell him before-hand, that if he draw forth nothing on that fubjeft but what is done by Amiraldru, and like things to them, he will give little fatisfalion to learned and ,table men, upon" the iffue of his undertaking. I (hall not pre- fume to take another man's task out of his hand, efpecially one's who is fo every way ableto go through with it ; elfe I durft undertake to demonftrate that treatife of Amiraldút, mentioned byMr. Baxter, to be full of weak and fophiftical argumentations, abfurd contmdiftions, vain ftrife of words; and in fum, to be as birthlefs a tympanous endeavour, as ever fo learned a man was engaged in. fror the prefent, being by God's providence removed for a feafon from my native foil, attended with more than ordinary weaknelles and infirmities, fe- Iarated from my library, burdened with manifold employments, with confiant preaching to a numerous multitude, of as thirfting apeople after the Gofpel, as ever yet I converfed withal ; it fnfficeth me, that I have obtained this mercy, briefly and plainly to vindicate the truth from miftakes, and fomething further to unfold themyftery of our redemption in Chrift, all with fo facile and placid an endeavour, as is ufually upon the fpirits of men, in the familiar writings of one friend to another. That it hath been my aim to feek after truth, and to keep clofe to the form of wholefome words delivered to ur, will, I hope, appear to them that love truth, and peace. .DublinCaille, Detem- ber no. 1649. Pry Sef+ áqosepzyisW dóga: SallalailliZairnaanamerara