The Ep4le DEDICATORY. Ky`.`4.ttk:ltrt '47tolet-it.'kb HLI` :?r 2 ,á s_.yxF; sc . ,+4;.¡¡ 1s\sll1: ..n`xZl\llf. ; , ári°`' d'4. a s`k Y` 4 r r Y. a2r.e rr9r,>, !-. r^....r..,s...,p :..,a TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORDS and GENTLEMEN O F THE CQMMITTEE F O R RELIGION. H E many ample teftimonies of zealous reverence to the providence of God, as well, asaffeflimiate care for the privilegesofmen ; which have been given, by this honourable affembly of parliament, encou- rage the adorers of the one, no lets than the lovers of the other, to vindicate that alfo from the incroachments of men. And as it was not doubtlefs without divinedifpofition, that thofe fhouldbe the chiefeft agents, in robbing men of their privileges, who had nefarioufly attempted to fpoil God ofhis providence, fo we hope, the fame all-ruling hand, bath difpofed of them, to be glorious infiruments of re-advancing his right, and fupreme dominion over the hearts of men, whole hearts he hath preparedwith courage andconflancy, toeflablifh men in their inviolated rights, by reducing a fiveet harmony, between awful fovereia ty, and a well moderatedliberty. Now the firft of thefe being demandated toyour parti- cular care, I come unto you with a bill of complaint, againft no fmall number in this kingdom; who have wickedly violated our intereft in theprovidence of God, and have attempted to bring in the foreign power ofan old idol, to the greatprejudice of all the true fubjehs, and fervantsof the moil high. My accufation I make good, by the evidence of the fait, joyned with their own coufeffions. And becaufe towave the imputation of violent intrufion into the dominionof another, they lay fome claim, and pretend foie title unto it: 1 fhall briefly flrew how it is contrary to the exprels terms ofthegreat charter of heaven, to have any fuchpower introducedamongfi men. Your known love to truth, and the gofpel of Chrift, makes It altogetherneedlefs for me, to flit you up by any motives, to hearken to this jail complaint, and provide a timelyremedy for this growing evil : efpecially fsnce experience bath fo clearly taught us bere in England, that not only eternal, but temporal happinefs allo, dependethon the flourifhing of the truth of Chrift's gofpel. Juftice and religion were always conceived as the mai,, columns and upholdersof any Rate, or common-wealth like two pillars ina building, whereof theorecannot Handwithout the other 'nor the whole fabrick-without them both. As the phi lofo- pher fpake of 1pgick and rhetorick, they are arts dv»spy,ae, mutually aiding each other, ' and both aiming at the fame end, though in different manners : fo they without repug- nancy