Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

The Egtle DEDICATORY. and you win find them hewi,.g at the very root of chriftiai.iry. Co;.fl.±er ferioully their denying of that foudamer.talarticle of original fin : is thisbut a fmall efcape in theolo- gy ? Why,. what reed of the gofpel ? What reedof ChrifthimPelf, if our nature be not guilty, depraved, corrupted? Neither are many of the refs of leg importance; tardy there are not things geibus piffionui diffemire, faly e ac chariraae, as Anglin fpeaks, abont mhich we may'diif, Trirhovr lei f peace or charity; onechurch cannotwrap i in her communion Anflin and Pelgins; Calvin,. and Arminius. I have hereonly given Il youa tafle, wherebyyou may judge of the ref} of their fruit : mers inol'a, mom in olla. ; their dofrine of the final apoffacy of the elea, of true believers, of a wavering `hefitancy corcernirg our prefent grace, and future glory, with divers others, I have wholly omitted, Chofe 1 have produced, are eröugli tomake their abettorsorIcapable of our church communion : the facred bond of peace compaffeth only the unityof that fpirit, which leadeth into all truth. We math ret offer Cheright hood of fello:aathip, but rather proclaim Imod,, oía got (a), an.holy mar, to fch enemies of God'sprovidence, Chrift's merit, and the pow;,r.u1 one, atiou of theholy fpirit. Neither let any objet$ that all the arminians do cot openly profeli all there errours I have recounted ; lec ours then thew wherein they differ from their mailers, (b) we fee their owncanf ;fleas, we know their arts, Cis./ xnì s.:v,dw£a; vi Exve:rx "r, the depths sad crafts offoray, we know the everal ways they have to introduce, and iufìouate their heterodoxiesinto the minds of men, with fòme they appear only to diflike our doctrine or reprobation wi-h others to claim an allowable liberty of the ivill a but yet for the moll part, like the ferpent, where-ever thegers inher head, fhe will wriggle in her whole bodyfling and all : give but the leaft Amin on, and thewhole pnyf,nmuff be fivallnwed Whatwas the intention of the maintainers of there ftrar:ge aflertions amorgft us, I know not: whether the efficacy of errour prevailed really with them, or no: Or whether it were the better to comply with popery, lard thereby to draw us 'kick again unto Egypt; but this I have. heard, that it was affirmed on knowledge ina former parliament, that the irtrodu£tio,a of arminianifre amsingft us, was the ilfueof a Spam canfultarion : it t range Rory that leatned. Zanahi,o (c) tells us, how. upon thedeathof thecardinal of Lorrain, there was found in his ffudy anote of the names of divers German donorsand I minifters, being lntherars,- towhom was paid an annual penfiou by the alfignment of {{í the cardinal, that they might take pains' to oppofe the caivinifis, and Toby dietliki g diffentiou, reduce the people again to popery. If therebeany fuck amtingft us, who upon fach poor incoagderable motives, would bewo,a to betray the gofpel of Chrift; God grant them repentance, before it he too late ; however, upon what Buds Crever, there tares have been lowed amolgft us by envious mea, the Lope Of all thepioully' learned in the kingdom is, that by your effefbual care and didgence, tome meares may be found. to root them out. Now Godalmighty iacreafe a'.al fill your wholehonourable iòciety withwifdom, peal, knowledge, and .211 other chaifian graces, necelfary for. your great calling andemployments, which is thedaily prayer of, Tour moil humble and . devotedfervant JOHN OWEN.' (a) Greg. Nan lá Proçntur geme: Hoke ad; yroniotionem murk' firs arts adhibere; ut maid lodges vonulterius prógrediantor, quern de articulis avivo aorìs, or pro ingenìor m tate 9aodam lade alanr, alios Ctlìdiore. <16o, Cellos t,, Prx$ar ad fpècimen Coo. Col, h.) Heron, Zach. Holdurnm. Ref. 7Nif<el. T®