To thé CHRISTIAN READER. h,,, .±..t t$ tg$4.,t-.PVAAs1..V4&A.*,s,. A 3 jLJáéJ 11L3/74" %11s71ll < 111 ,..: ..e.. . aVIViirVt4le ;2 T O T H E CHRISTIAN READER. READER, FIO V can't not be fuck a ;ranger in our lfrael, as that it fhould be necefary for me to acquaint thee, with the ferff [owing and fpreading of theft tares in the field of the church, much lefe to declare what devifiotes and thoughts of heart, what open bitter contentions, to the lop ofEcclefaftical peace, have beenfurred up amongfl us about them: only fame few things relating to this my particular endeavour, Iwould willingly premonifh thee of. Firfl, Never were fo many prodigious errours introduced into a Church, with fo high a band, and fo little oppfuion, as theft into ours, fine the nation ofChr fiians was known in the world; the chiefeaufe I take to be that which / near Sylvius gave, why more maintained the Pope to be above the Council, than the Council above the Pope. Betauft Popes gave Archbefhopricks, Bifhopricks, &c. but the Councils freed in forma pauperis, and thereforecould fcarceget an ad. vacatetoplead their taufe : thefates of our church having of latedevolved thegovernment there- ofinto the hands ofmen tainted with thispoyfon, Arminianifm became backedwith thepowerful arguments ofpraife and preferment, and quicklyprevailed, to beat poor naked truth into acorner : it ishigh time thenfor all the lovers ofthe old way, to oppofe this innovation, prevailing by fuch unworthy means, before our breachgrowgreat like theSea, and therebe none to heal it. My intention inthis weak endeavour (which is butthe undigeffed iffret of a few broken bows, too manycaufes in theftfurious malignant' days continually interrupting theGoofes ofmyparses) is butto (fir upfuch, who having more leifure, andgreater abilities, will not asyet move a finger, to help to vindicate oppreffed truth. In the meantime I hope this dfcovery may not beunufeful, efpeciallly to fuch whowanting either will orabilities, to per fe larger courfes, may yet be altered by their words whichare fmoother than honey, to tall thepoyfonofAlps that is under their lips. Satan bath tuSadtias, depths where to bide, and methods how to broach his lies andnever did anyofhis Emifarces employ his received talentswith moreskill and diligence, than our Arminian: labouring earneftly in the fi'f piece to inffill fame errors that are moftplaufible, intending chieflyan introduEtion of them that are more palpable, knowing that ifthofebe for a time fupprefed, until theft be well d'gjied, tiny will follow of their own accord : wherefore I have endeavoured to layopen to the view of all, fameof their foundation errors, not ufualby difcufed, on which the whole intonfiftent f pert ruEture ít erected, whereby it will appear how under a muff vain pretence of furthering Piety, tiny have prevaricated againff the verygrouudsof Chriflianity. Wherein Fsrft, I have not obferved the famemethod in handling each particular Controverfy, but fol- lowed fuckfeveral ways atfeemed moft convenient to clear thetruth, anddifcovortheer herefies. Secondly, fame of their errors 1 have dot touchedat all, as ti fe eoncerning univefalgraey juflfication, the final apoftafy of true believers: becauf they came not within the compafo of my propfedmethod, asyou may feeChap. t. whereyou have the funs of the whole difcourfe. 7hirdy,