To the CHRISTIAN READER. Thirdly, I have given fume inflames of their oppofing thereceived dottrine of the church of England, containedin divers of the thirtynine articles: which would it did notyi ld us jug castle offurther complaint, again/ the enquiry of thofe timeswhereintowe were lately fallen. Had apearpuritan offended again; halffo many y canons, as they oppofed articles, be had forfeited his livelihood, ifnot endangered his life : I roo:ild I couldhear any otherprobable reafon, whydivers prelates were fo zealone for thedifcipline, andfo negligent of the delirino ofthe church; but be- saufe "the one roe reformed by the word of God, the other remainingas we found it-in the times ofpopery. Fourthly, Ihave not purpofely undertaken to anfwer any of their argumento, referring that labour toafurther defgn, even a clesrihqof our dcEtrine ofreprobation, and of theadminira- tion of God's providence towards Fr reprobates, and over all their allions, from thofecalumnious afperfons they calf upon it; but concerning this, Ifear the dfcouragementof thefe woful days, will leave me nothing but a dlire, that fo necrffarya work mayfind a more able pen. JOHN OWEN. Otoptatxia¢