42tti`,'5.OxtxNN.`i`±*% ,'..'u1Ja4MONQZ,gM* S:f?a:Ft?:i .}.o ... aoc?ött:cszto ö tv,se.ot: +.?ao:k rz,r,;..rrr.rrs.VV.-4c+3%00,0+r14.,f,+04W.4'ea0 A DISPLAY O F ARMINIANISM; r^:, sti+rrva-,*r CHAP, I. HE foul of man, by reafon of the corruption of natere, is not only .(a) darkened with a mill of ignorance, whereby he is difìn- abled for the comprehending of divine truth, but is alto armed with (b) prejudice and oppofition againft force parts thereof, which are either moll above, or molt .contrary, to force fälle princi- pies, which he hath framed unto himfelf As a define of felf- fuftìciency was the firft caufeof this infirmity, fo a conceit thereof, is that wherewith' heftill languifheth, nothingdothhe more contend for, than as bid pendency of any fupreme power, which might either help, hinder, or controul him, in his aftious.. This is that bitter root, from whencehave fprung all thofe he efre , (c) and wretched contentions, which have troubled the church; con- cerning thepower of man in working hisowit happinefs,and hisexemptionfrom the over ruling próviden e ofalmighty God. All which wrangling difputes. of carnal realm againft the word of God, come at lait to this head, whether the fidt and chiefeft part in dilpofing of things in this world, ought to be afcribed to God, or man? Men for the moll part have vindicated this preheminence unto themfelves (d), by exclamations that lo it muff be, or elfe, that God is unjuft, and his ways unequal; never did any men, pefiquam Chr Tana ors fe eapit, more eagerly endeavour the ere£ting of this babel, than the arminians, the modern blinded patrons of human Self-fuffrciency. All whole innóvations in the received doftrine of the reformed churches aim at, and tend to, one of thefe two ends, Fib, To exempt thentfelveseroni God's jurifdi£tiob, to free themfelves from the fupreme dominion of his all ruling providence, not to live, and move in him, but vi(a) fiphef. iv. 18. John i. 5. s Cor. ii. sq. _(b) Johnvi. 42. and vii. 52. NaturaLe apparet ut hoc majoris vitii fit, non videre, Aug. (I) Pelag. Semipelag. Scholafkc. (d) In bne caufa non judicant fccundum uquitatem, fed &enndum affeßum commodi I'M, Sutb. G to