ARMINIANISM. 3 it will difcover, not. only the impotedcy of doing good, which is inour nature, but thew alfo whence we have it: fee chap. vii, 3. If ye will charge oar human ratere with a repugnancy to the law of God, they will maintain, that it was alto in Adam when it was firft created, and fo comes from God himfèf, ,chap. vin. 4. They deny the efficacy 'of the merit of the death of Chrift, both that God intended by his death to redeem his Church, or to acquire unto himfeif an holy people, frs alfc,, that Chrift by his death, bath merited, and procured for us, grace, faith, or righteoufuefs, aid power toobey God, in fulfilling thecondition of the new covenant; nay, this was to let up an ark to break their dagon', neck; for what pralle, fay they, can be due to our hives for believing, if the blood of Chrifi bath procured God to befrow faithupon us? ¡ncropar to Dear, O Saran: fee chap. ix. and x. 5. If Chrift will claim inch a (hare in fairing of his people, of them that believe in him, they wdl Brut fcme to have fNation quite without him, that never heard fo much as a report of a Saviour; and indeed in nothing do they advance theiy idol nearer the throne of God than this blelphemy, çhap._xi, 6. Having thus robbed God, Chrift, and his grace, they adorn their idol freewill, with many glorious propaaies no way due unto it, dilcuffed chap. xii. wlìere you, fhajl find how moate c ,:twig ri m f rivfs wawa c.lori1n,. 7. They do not only claim to their newmade deity, a Livieg power, but alfa af- firm, that he is very attive, and operative in the great wart: of laving our fouls. (n.) In fitly preparing us for the grace of God, and fo difpofing of our felves, that it becomes due unto us, chap. xiii. (z.) In the effe&ual working of our cooverfon, together with it, chap. xiv. And ló at length with much toil and labour, they have placed an altar hhrheir idol in the holy temple, on the right hand of the altar of God ; and on it offer facriace to their own net, 'and drag ; ar leali n r Deo, nee libero Arbitrio, feddividatur r Nat all to God, nor all to freewill, but let the ftcrifice of praifi., for all good things be divided between them. earn ñssxá,écnc9ase ó caaa:,,? iAi cá sr é C H A P. II. Of the Eternity and 'Immutability of the Decrees of Almighty God a denied and overthrown ly the Arminians. TT bath been always believed among chriftiaus, and that upon infallible grounds, 1 as I fh.:1l Thew hereafter, that all the decrees of God as they are internal, fo they are eternal alls of his will, and therefore unchangeable and irrevocable ; mutable decrees, and occafìonal refòlutions, are molt contrary to the pure nature of almighty God; fach principles :is there, evident and clear by their own light, were never queftion'dby any, before the arminiats began dahlia ,u,6,, and to profe is them- felves to delight in oppofing common notions of reafòn concerning God and his ef- fence, that they might exalt themfelves into lais throne : to. afcribe the lean mu- tability to the very effe:,ce, with which all the attributes, and internal free ahs of God are one and the Lame, was ever accounted .66+.00ad âatórn,H} tranfceodant arbeifm in the higheft degree (a); now be this crime of what nature it will, it is no un- juft imputation to charge it on the armiuians, becaufe they coafefs themfelves guilty, and glory in this crime.. I. They undermine, and overthrow the eternity of Cod's purpofes, by affirming; That in the order of the divine decrees, there are fame which precede every di- of the creature, and fame awn that fallow thorn, fo (b) Cerv.n¢s the molt famous of that feid. Now all the ally of every creature being 'but- of yefterday, temporary like (a) Phil. M. quod fit Deus lnmutabilis. (b) In ordine rolitorum divinorum, güedam fart qua omnem attum creature precedent, quedam gem faquuetur, co. adMoline. rap, 5. pr. r.per. 67. themfelves; ,t..1" 1 a _. .8t3:° t.7,x_ ha s b air, ,' - -:A 1.