Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

DISPLAY r **470,:tuttv-W"t^kr1wt.r&* v**.**-4170rvr+r0t,,& ,MilgttS_ l 2M iRFb, ( z m*zam . CHAP. III. Of the prefcience, or foreknowlédde of Crud, and how it is queflioned and overthrown by the Arminian. HE prefcience, or foreknowledge of God,hathnot hitherto in exprefs terms been denied byline Armimans, but only queftioned, and overthrown byconte- T quence: in as much as they deny the-certainty and unchangeablene1 ofhis de- crees, onwhich it is founded: it isnot a foreknowledge ofall, or any thing, whichthey oppofe, but only, of things freeand contingent: and that only tocomply with their for- merly explodederror, that the purpófes of God concerning filch things, aretemporal and mutable ; which obflaele being once removed, theway is open how toafcribe the prefdentfhip of all human anions, to omnipotent contingency, aid her fire freewill. Now, we call that contingent, which in regard of its next and-immediatecaufe, before it come to pafs; may bé'done, or maybe not done : as,, that a man ihall do facha thing to morrow, orany timehereafter : whichhe may chofe whether ever he will do, of no. Such things as thereare.free. and:changeable, inrefpetb of men their immediate and fecund caufes, but if we, as (a) we ought to do, look up unto him, whoforefeeth and bath ordained theevent of them, or their omiffion, they may be laid neceffarily to come to pats,-:.òr tobeomitted : it could not be, but as it was : chriflians hitherto, .yea and (b)hèathens, in all things of this nature,.havk.uftially Upon their event reflect- ed on God, as one, whole determination was paffed on them from eternity,. andwbo knew them long before : aS the killing of men by the fall of a houfe, who might in refpeff of the freedom of their own wilts, have not been there: or if a man-fail into the hands of thieves, we prefently conclude, it was the will of God it muffbe fo, he knewit before. , Divines (c) for diftintbion fake, afcribe unto God. a twofold knowledge 3 pee, Mtn:. itive, or intellettive, whereby, he foreknoiveth andfeeth all 'stings that are poflible ; that is all things that canbdone by his almighty power, witlrot, any refpett to their future exiflence, whether they ilia]] come to pals, or no : yea, infinite things whole a£buál beingeternity Shall never behold, are thus open and naked untohim. For, was thereno firength andpower in his hand to havecreated another world? Wasthere not counfel in the fiorehóufe of his wifdom,'to have treated this otherwife ? Or not to have created it at all? Shall we fay, that his providence extends it felt every way to theutmoft of its activity.? Or can he not produce innilmeräble things in the world, whichnow he doth not? Now all their, and every thing elfe, that is fezable to his infinite power; he fore-fees and knows, Solenrià, as theySpeak fm )cir irtellgenri.e, by his effential knowledge.. Out (A) of this large and bolandlefs territory of things poffible, God .by:his decree freely determineth what. Shall come to pats; and makes then future, which before were but poflible. After this decree,.. as they comeronly freak, followetli; ór to- gether with it, as (e) others more exa£dy, taketh place, that prefcience of God, which theycall (f) viifienir, of vifion, whereby he infallibly ILth all things in their_ pro- per caufes5 and how and when they Shall come to pa&s, Now there -taro forts of (a) James iv.. r3,. 4, 55. (3) Mt d`' énsrirevo a,nñ, Hom. God's will was done. (a) Qz' tanque poffunt per ereaturamfieri, nel cogitar nel did; &et r cluwcunque iplb bar repotft 9afaia cogn fcit Deus, etiamfi neque tint, nine e u t o gite fu ru £ fc e ria finnolicis intelligeori, 4gaiu. 1T q 4 a. 9. 0. Es verbis Apoftoly Rom, io. qui vocat ea sine non ass, tanquam ea que n.,r, Go fcholafllci omnes, &.. Sebotaf. orthod. Mai. rap.. 3. alü pallia. Vid. Weron. Zanh. de feientia Dr, i b- 3 i 5 (D via. San RhetorforteXt7Citeci gnat; m. li.. cap 4' O"Ee$ pf 1 naturæ unmet. p ffb if d tend fear, p[ us loam a Deo t ll gust u, fc entry gat rl , tfo:, A rrt t m , fluor-as, Il nanny to, -pbftériot ft t {rda v,detur ht- t r rent m, cum kient a, &a. D. ,,off d tint. n,n&.'gnat. `(f)-Sctenfta vítomsd a rdr, gala ea gnu videntur, aped alas babeut it diftinflam entra,aideatem5, Age 1,. g rd g 9+ s n ... .ka now-