DISPLAY 0 hisformer reprobation ; which (a) as they fate it, feems a great aft ofmercy : (b)God mull keep to the rules of his jultice and eleft or determine to fivehim : by w hich the starlet hath twiceor thrice deceived his expeáation. (2.) They affirm, that God is faid properly to expea, and defire, divers things, whichyet never come to pafs. We grant, faith Cervioar (e) that there are defiresin God, that-neverare fnlfitied. Now farely to defirewhat one is.fure will never come to pafs, is not ars aft regulated by wifdom, or counfel : and therefore theymuff grant, that before hedid not know, but perhaps fo itmight be : (d) God wifhethand defireth fome good things which yet come not to pats, fay they, in their confetlion: whence one of there two things mull needs follow, either that there is a great deal of imperfe£tion inhis nature, to defire andexpeftwhat a knows !hall never come topats', or elfe, hedidnot know but it might ; which overthrows his prefcience : yea, and fay they exprefsly, (e) that the hope, and expe&ationof God, as deceived byman : and confefs that the ßrength of their ßrongeft argument lies in this s that God hoped and expeftedobedience from Ifraet. ;spot, that he complaigeth that his ]rope is deluded': which being taken properly, an as they. urge it, cannot confift with his eternal prefcience: Per they difeßeem the dual anfwer ofdivines, that hope, expeflation, and fach like pafrrons, which include in them any imperfeftion, are afcribed unto God per rlr-oworzeuor, in regard of that analogy his actions holdWith filch of ours, as we perform having thofe pallions. (3-) (f) They teach that God bath determined nothing concerning fach things, as there in queßion. That Godbath determinedfriture contingent things unto either part ( I mean fuch as iffue from the free-will of the creature) I abominate, hate, and code as falfe, abfurd, and leading us on untoblafphemy, faith Armisoria;to determine of them to either part, is, to determine and ordain, whether they fhall be, or whether they !hall not be : as that David !hall,. or 1h01 not go up to morrow againß the philiftines, and prevail. Now the infallibility of God's foreknowing of fach things, depending on the certainty of his decree, and determination, if there be no filch thing as this, that alfomull needsfall to the ground. (4.) (g) See what pofitively they write, concerning this everlaßing foreknowledge ofGod. F )P. They call it a rroúblefome guriion. Secondly. They make it a thing difputable, whether there beany filch thing, or not; and thoughhappily it maybeafcribedunto God yet, Thirdly. They think it no motive to the worfhip of him. Fourthly. They fay, better it were quite exploded, becaufe the difficulties that attendit can fcarcely be reconciled with man's liberty, God's threatnings and promifes : yea, Fifthly. It Teems rather to be invented, to crucify poor mortals, than tobe of any moment in religion ; fq I:r f opioi. It may be excepted, that this is but onedoftor's ,opinion: it is true, they are oneman's words, but the thing it Pelfis countenanced by thewhole left. As firft, in the large prolix declarationof their opinions, they !peak -notone word of it, and being taxed for thisomif ion, by theprofeffors of Leyden, they vindicate them1 Ives fo coldly in their apology, that fome (Is) learned men do from hence conclude that certainly in their moll fecret judgements all theArminiaus do content with Seelsne, in afcribing unto God only aconjeftural fore -knowledge. And (a) Reprobatiopopuli Judaici fait nftto temporaria, 8: qua bono-ipforum Judaorum, G modo fana- bitesadhuceffent, animumqueadvertere vellent, fervire poterat, orqueeo fiaiferviret a Deo ffta erar, Ren, apol. cap. so. fò1. oat. (a) lnjuftumeft apudDrum vel noneredentem eligero,velcream- rem non eligere, Rem. Apol. (s) Concedimus in Deo defideria, qua nunquant implentnr, Corwin. adMorin. cap. 5. fed'. 9. (d) Bona quedam Deus optat & defderat, Rem. Confef. fill. 9. (e) Deifpes & expeftatm eft ab hominibuselufa, Rem. f rip. fin. insp. 5. Ifa. v. r. In ro vis argil- . mentieft, quodDeusab 'trade obedientiam& fperarit & expeftarit, idem Aid. Q od Deus de elnfa Me tua eonqueratur, idem abi fapra. (f) Deum futura eontingentia, demeco Goo detenninaff a) al- .terutram pastern, (intellige quo a liberacroarïæ voluntate patrantur) faifum, abfurdnm, & multipficis b!afphemia pravium abominor & eofecroq Armin. declaras, fenren. (g) Dilqüirr pennitnmu1 %Operofam illam quaftionem, de fcientia futurorum contingentium abfoluta &conditionati non Hegemus Deo illam fcientiam attribui poffe.. 3. Tamen an neceff rium faluti fit ad .hot ut Deus aeae colotuy examinant permittimus. 4. Turn merito faceffere debenta !thous & ecflcine, intricate fpinofi iftaquaftiones,quamate ea agitari folent, - quomodo illacum lihertate arbitrii,cnmlerns Dei comminationibus, alüf<lue aftionibus; confiftere pefht: qua amnia crucero potins _miferis mortalíbus 'fixervnt, quant ad religìonem culmmquedivinum, momenti aliquid inquifitoribus furs attalerunt, Epif- aopiru, &!put. 4. Tea.. au. Rem. Apol. p. 43. 44, (i) "Wei.. 4Mafyond Ji..to. (a) one