20 A D S P L Y , of accomplifhment the free a£tions and concurrence of man is required, but evidently declareth, that God difpofethof thehearts of men; ruleth their wills, inclineth their affe&ions, and determines them freely _tochoofe, . anddo, what he in his goodpleafure bath decreed !hall be performed ; filchas were t ee prophéfies of deliverance from the Baby(onifh captivity by Cyrus,' Ifa. xlii. of the converfion of the Gaulle, of the Stability of the Church, Matth. xvi. of the deftru&ion of lerufalem by the Romans, Math. xxiv. with innumerable others : 1 will add only' fume few reafons for the clofe of this longdifcourfe. This opinion that God bath nothingbut a generalinfluence into thealiens ofmen, not effeftually moving their wills to this or that particular, (t. It granteth a goodnefs of entity or being unto divers things, whereof Godis the author : as thole fpecial a&ions which men perform without his fpecial concurrence; which is b:afphenious : the apoftle affirms that of him are all things. (2. It denieth God to be the author ofall moral goodnefs ; for an a&ion is good in as much as it is fah an a&ion is particular (a), which that any is fo, according to this opinion, is to be attributed merely to the will ofman.: the general influence of, God moveth him no more to prayer, than toevil communications tending to the cor- ruption ofgood manners. (3. It maketh all thedecrees of God, whofe execution dependeth on human affirms, to be altogether uncertain, and his foreknowledge of fuch things to be fallible, and ealily tobe deceived; fo that there is no reconciliation poffrb:e to be hoped for be- twixt chefs and the like affertio;u. .S. S Lib. Arbir. In him we live and move and have our be- God's fuftaining of all things is not an ing, A&s xvü. 28. affirmative a£t of his power, butts negative He upholderh all things by the word ofhis a&ofhis will, Rem. apol. whereby hewill poorer, Heb. i. 3 not deftroy them. Thou haft wrought allone works in us, Ifa. on the by his influence whereby ibowetUenincited xxvi. 12. Myfather worketh hitherto, John v. 17. or helped in its a&ions, Cn vinus. The preparations of the heart inman, and Thole thingsGod wouldhave us freely theanlwer ofthe tongue isfrom the Lord, Prov. do our feláes : he can no more effelbually xvi. 1 work atmill than by theway of wiling, The heartof the king is in the hand of the Yorflsus. Lord, like the rivers of water he twneth it which way hemill,, Prov. xxi. 1. Incline my heart unto thy Teflimanies, and The providence .of God cloth not de- not unto covetoufnefs, Pfal. cxix. 36. termine the free-will of man to thisor that Ynite my heart to feare thy Name, Pfid. particular,or to one part ofthecontradi&i- lxxxvi. 11 on, Arminius. Thou haft not glorified God in Inhofe hand is thy breath, andwhofe are all thy ways, Dan. V. 23. See Matth. xxvii. 1. compared with A&s , The will ofmalt onghb to be free from ii. 23. and chap. iv. 27, 2S. Luke xxiv. all kind of internal and externalaieceflity 26. John xix. 34, 36. Fos the neceffity of in its actions: Rini. that is, God cannot lay other events, fie Bxod. xxi. 17. Job xiv. fuch ,a neceltity upon any thing as that it 5. Math. xix. 7. &t. !hall infallibly come, tapais as heiutendeth. See thecontrary in the places cited. (a) Qaialiquid boni a Deo noneffci of rmat, it a-Deem efía nagas :. lì aanv,1ne yet tantillum boni Deo noneft, jam non omnis boni effeftor eft cope nec Dens, Bore. in cad. ,. ua Rpm. ilfeMa+ f,4t4 CHAP.