Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

26 A D°ISPLAY Of Speak the word, and it shall nor stand, fee á1f6 chap. xxix. 7. 8. and shall they be ena- bled faith recriminate, and L t the like afperfion on the not romped totbelievee thatalmighty God ool St. (a) Ahi would have any thing done, which doll not come to pafs: towhich truth alfo that the fchool-men have univerfally conf rated, is !hewed by Alvarez. dfput. 32. pro. 3. and thefe few inftances will manifest the Arminiens oppofition to theword of God in this particular. S. S. Our God is in heaven, and bath done what - forver pleafeth him, Pfal. cxv. 3. I will do all my pleafure, Ifa. b loi (Who can fray his band, a fay unto loft thou? Dan. iv. 35- 1 have purposed, 1will elfo do iy Ifa. xlv. As I have pw'pofed fo it Pallfiend, chap. xiv. Lib Arbír. We nothing doubt but many things which God willeth, or that it pleafeth him to have done, do yet never come to pal's, Corvin. We grant, that fome of God's defires are never fulfilled, idem. It is in the power of man to hinder the execution of God's will, idem. It is ridiculous to imagine, that God Both not ferioufly will any thing, but what taketh effeft, ffppifcopius. It may be obje&ed, that God faileth of his end ; this we readily grant, Re- monftr. Synod. ,:.,: ati r CHAP. VI. How the whole ioarine ofnTrede ination is accounted by the THE cause of all thefe quarrels, wherewith the Arminian, and their abet- tors, have corrupted the church of Christ, comes neat unto our çonfiderai. don. The eternal predeftination of almighty God, that fountain of all fpiritual bleffings, of all the eats.of God's love derived unto as through Chriltt of all the the patrons of this rock of our ency fafo tovindicate unto,themeles, endeavour and attaainingeeveratffiñg of happinefs,,owithout going oneftep8from differ withoutfrom themfelvesf and tower ,ifrom the. top whereof they attain maay mount intonhe ve , whore foundation tiondisno- hey the in their own freewill and to have taken away hisvdivinepredefti at fudden (what and to attain the leaft fuccefs among attempt as noted as to believe the not wherefore, fufferng the name to unlike remain, the they oomthereof, thathanyhione it yel fee and they fubflituted a e blear-ey'd Leah instead of Rachel, and hugs a cloud inflead of a deity. Thefitrae dofhine it felt bath been fo excellently delivered by divers learned divines, ee Seventeenth articleof our church, where it is clearly from all oblations, that I flail only briefly and plainly lay it down, and that with fpecial reference to the avow- ed; 'Mewing withal, which is my chief intention, how it is thwarted and. oppo- fed, and overthrownby the Arminiens. (a) Ne teedero cotano, aliquid omnipotentem Ream toluiffe fadumgoo non ello,. Aag fi Ea. sap. ao3.. Predefìiuílt