Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

34 A DISPLAY Of cattle, and the effetr, ofthe fame things, before and after it fell; but all our faith, our obedience, repentance, good works, are the effe£ts of eleftion flowing from it, as their proper fountain, err £Jed on it, as the foundation of this fpiritual building. And for this the article of our church is evident and clear ; thofe, faith it, that are indued with ti isexcellent benefit of God, are called according to God's p rp f are jufi fled freely are made the fits of G,d by ado, tint, they be made like the image of Csrf,, they walk refgio fly, in goad works, &c. where Fitt, They are laid tobe partakers ofthis benefit of eleftion, and thenby virtuethereof, to be entitledto the fruition of all thofe graces. Secondly, It faith, tlfemio are endued with this bl benefit, enjoy thole gs; intimating that eleftion is the rule whereby God proceedeth in bellowing thofe graces; refiraining the obje£bsof the temporal alts of God's fpecial favour, to them only suborn his eternal decree Both min ace ; both thefe indeed are denied by the Ansinians, which maketh a further covery of their heterodoxies in this particular. (a) Tea fay, faith Arminianto Perkins, that elation is the rule ofgiving ornotgiving, offaith, and therefore eleftion is not of the faith- ful, but f r:th of theeleíl ; but by your leave this I muff deny o bet yet whatever it is the fophiftical heretick here denies, either antecedent or conclufion, he falls foul on the word ofGod. They bcli,ved, faith theholy ghoft, mho were ordained to eternal life, A£l:s iii. 48. and the Lord added daily to his church focias fould be raved, Aft. ii. 47. From both which places it is evident, that God beftoweth faith only onthemwhom he bath preordained to eternal life : but meft clearly, Rom. viii. 29, 30. For whom he did fore- know, he alfodid predfinare to be conformedto the imageofhis fors moreover, whomhe did pre- deflirate, them he alto called, and whom he called, them he alfo 3 fified, and whew he j /lofted, .them he alfogloried. St. Aftin interpreted thisplaee,by adding inevery linkofthe chain, only chofe, however the words dire/fly importa precedency of predeftivation, before the bellowing of other ,graces, and alto a reffraintof thofe graces, to them only, that are fo predeftinate. Now the inference. from this, is not only for the former logical, but for the matter alto, it containeth the very words of fcripture, Faith io of God's e1.Et, Titus i. t. For the other part of the propoftiou, that faith and obedience are the fruits of eleftion, they cannot be more peremptory in its denial, than the lcripture is plentiful la its confirmation: he bath chofen us inChvift that we fbould be holy, Ephef. 4. not be- caufe we were holy, but that weßrouldbe fo : hohnefs whereof faith is the foot, and obedience the body, is that whereunto, andnot for which we are elefted. Theend, andthe meritorious caufe of anyone a/J cannotbethe fame, they havedivers refpe£ts, and require repugnant conditions; again we are predeffinated unto the adoption of children by Jefas Chrift,ver. g. Adoption is that whereby we are affumed into the family of God, when before we were foreigners,aliens, ltrangers, afar off, which we fee is a fruit of our predefiinatiora, though it be thevery entrance intothat elate, wherein we begin fiat to plcafe God in the -leaf} meafure. Of the fame nature are all chafe placesof holy writ, which fpeakofGod's giving fameunto Chi f, of Chrj's (beep hearing his voice, and of others not hearing, becanfe they are not of his Peep : all which, and divers others invincible reafonsI willingly omit; with furdryother fall affections; andhere- tical pofitionsof the Arminian., about this fundamental article of out relibion, conclud- ing this chapter with the following fcheme. S. S. Whom he did foreknow he alfo did prede(ti -. mote to be conformed to the image of his fon, that he might be thefi f born among many bre- thren e moreover whom he did predeftinate, them he alfo called, and whom he called, them he alfa jfifaed, and whomhe jfifred, them he alfo glorified : fo that nothing fall be able 'to feparate ne from the love of God in Chriff, Item. viii. 29 30.--39. Hebarb cir rs us inhim before the founda- tion ofthe world that we fould be holy, Ephef. i. 4. (a) Diciselation= divinam effe 'regulam fidei `led fides elefìorum; fed liceat mihi tea bonavenia Lib. Arbil. No fuck will can be afcribed unto God, whereby he fo wouldhave any to be fasted, that from thence his falvation fhould be fire and infallible, Arminius. 4 ackuow ledge no fenlè, no perception of any filcheleftion in this life Grevioch. We deny that God's ..eleftion unto fal ca- tion, extenderle it felf to fingular perfons, Remonft. Coll. Hag. As we are jultined by faith, fù we are not clefted but by faith, Grevinch. dando vet non danda', ergo eledionon eft fidefium hoc negare, Armin. /Intl, Íot 'a'' Nat