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A.RMINIANISíItI. 35 S. S. Lib. Arb;t. Not for the works that no have done, but We profefs roundly that faith is eorli- - according to his own lurpofe andgrace, which was gavot sao in ÿfirs Chrifl before the world began, 2 Tim. i. 9. For the children boils, not yet born, before they had done good or evil, that the pur- P / ofGod which to according to elefiion might (land, not of works burof him that ca/leth, &c. Rom. ix. or. . Wharfaever the father giveth; that eometh unto me, John. xi. Many are called, butfew are ehafen, Match. xxü. rp. Fear not, littleflock, it isyourfather's plea fure togiveyou the kingdom, Luke ii. 31. What haft thou that thou hall not received ? r Cor. iv. 7. Are we better than they? No in no rip, Rom. iii. 9. But we are predefiinated to the adoptionof children byfefus Chr f according to the good yleafure of his will, Ephef i. y. John. vi. 37---49. John. x. 3. chap. xiii. r8. and 17. 6. Afts. xiii. 48. Titus i. r. 2 Tim. ii. 19. James. 1. 17, frc. dered byGod as a condition preceding elec- tion, arad not following as a fruit thereo Rem. Coll. Hag. The foie and only caul ofeleEion is not thewill ofGod, but the refpe£t ofour obedience, Eplfcopiuo. For the taufe of this love to any perfon, is the goodnefs, faith and piety, where- with according to God's command andhis ownduty he is endued, is pleating toGod, Rem. Apol. Godhathdetermined togrant the means of falvation unto all without difference, and according as he fore-feeth merl willlife thole means,'fo he determineth of them, Corwin. The firmof their do&rnie is : God hach appointed the obedience of faith to be the means of falvation ; ifmen fulfil this con- dition,he determineth to rave them, which is their ele£tion, but if after they have entred the way ofgodlinefs, theyfall from it, they lofe alto their predellinatioá, if theywill return again they arechofen anew, and if they canhold out to the end, then, and for that continuance they are peremp- torily ele£ted, or pofidefiinated, after they are faved. Now whether theft pfrians may be gathered from chafe placru f ferspture which deliver this ¿Urine, letany manjudge. CHAP. VII. Of Original fn, and the corruption ofnature. H E ROD the great imparting his counfel of rebuilding the temple unto the Jews, they Much feared, he wouldnever he able to accomplifh his intention (a) but like an unwire builder having demolifhed the old, before he had fat down andaft uphis account, whether he were able to ereE&a new, they should (by his proje£t) be deprived ofa temple. Wherefore to fatisfy their jealoufies, he refolved as he took down anypart ofthe other, prefently to ere& aportion of the new in the place thereof. Right fo the Arminian', determining to demolifh the buildingof divine providence, grace, andfavour, by which men have hitherto attended into heaven, and fearing left we íhould be troubled, finding our felves on afudden. deprived of that whereinwe repofed our confidence for happinefs, they have by degreesere£ted a baby- lonifh tower in the room thereof; whofe top they would perfwade us ihaII reach unto heaven. Fsrff, therefore the foundation flones they bring forth, cryinghail,,hail, un- to them, and pitch them on the fandy rotten groundof our own natures. Now becaufe heretofore, force wife mafter-builders had difcovered this ground tohe veryunfit to be the bails ofinch a lofty erection, by reafon of acorrupt iffue of blood and filth arifing in the midit thereof; and over-fpreading the whole platform ; to incourage Men to an affociatior in this defperate attempt, they proclaim to all, that there is no fuch evil fountain in the plain which they havechofer, for the foundation oftheir proud building, letting up it felt againfi theknowledge ofGod inplain terms, having rejefted (a) Jofeph. Antiq. Jude. lib. 15. cap. 4. the