36 A DISPLAY of the providence ofGod frombeing the original ofthat goodnefs ofentity which is in our a£tiors, and his predeftination, from being the caufe of that moral and fpisitual good- :left wherewith any ofthem are cloathed, they endeavour todraw the praife ofboth to the reCitude oftheir nature, and the firength oftheir own endeavours : but this attempt in the latter, being thought tobe altogether vain becaufe of thedifibilityand corrupti- on ofnature, by realòn oforiginal fin propagated unto usall by our firft parents, where- by it is become wholly void of integrity and holinefs, and we all become wife and able to doevil, but to do good have no power, no underftanding ; therefore they utterly reje& this imputation of an inherent original guilt, and demerit of punifhment, as an 'enemy toour upright and well de fervingcondition: and oh! that they were as able to root it out ofthe hearts ofall men, that it fliould never more be there, as they have been to perfwade theheads ofdivers, that it wasnever there at all. Irony would know how confiderabledais articlecoecerning original finbathbeen ac- counted in the church of Chrift, let him but confult the writings of St. Aufuftin, Profper, Hilary, F lgeatius, any of thole learned fathers, whom God flirted up to re- fit, and enabled toovercome the fpregding Pelagian herefy, or look on thole many tounfels, edits, decrees of emper, wherein that heretical doftrine of denying this original corrupti or§ on is condemned, turfed, and exploded. Now amongft thole many motives they had to proceed fo feverely against this herefy, one efpecially inculca- ted deferves our çonfideration, viz. That it overthrew the necefliityof CI:rift's coming into the worldto redeem mankind. It is fin only that makes a Saviour neceffary, and Ihall chriflians tolerate fuel; an error, as by dire£t confequence infers the coming of Jefus Chrift, aato theworld tobe needless : my porporefor thepresent, is not to alledge anytefiimonies ofthis kind ;butholding my felfclofe to my firft intention, to thaw how fàr in this article, as wellas others, the armi.aians have upoftated from the puredo£triueof theword ofGud,the confentoforthodoxdivines, andthe cafeffionofthis churchofEngland. In the ninth article of our church, which is concerning original fin, I observe efpe- dally fòur things, First, That it is aninherent evil, the fault and corruption ofthe na- tareof every mall. Secondly, That it is a thing not fubjeft, or tomFormable to the lawof God, butbath in it feffevea after baptifin, the natureoffin. Thirdly, Thatby it We are avetfe from God, and inclin'd toall manner of evil. Fourthly, That it deferveth Cod's wrathand damnation, all which; are frequentlyand evidently taught in theword ofGod, and every one deuied.by the Arminian', as it may appear by thefe infiances, in fume ofthem. Fief, That it is an inherent fin andpollution of nature, having proper guilt of its own, making us refponfàble to the wrathofGod :and not abase imputationof another's fault, to us his poflerity, whichbecaufe it would reflect upon us all with a charge ofa native imbecillity and infuf iciency to good, is by thefe feltidolizers quite exploded. (a) Infants we imply in that glare, in whichAdam was before 'his fail, faith Venator. (b) Neither is it all confiderable,whether they be the children ofbelievers, or ofheathens and infidefa : for infants, as infants have all the fame innocency, fay they, jointly in theid¡1p'Gx. ,gy, nay more plainly, (c) It can be nofault wherewith we are been : inwhich tali expprreefr on, thefe bold innovators, with one daft: of their, pens, have quite overthrown a. fàccad verity, an apoflolick catholick fundamental article of chriflian religion : but truly to Me, there areno stronger arguments of the finful corruption of our nature, than-tie fed fuck nefarious iffuesofunfanthfied hearts : let us look then to the. word 'ofGod con- founding thisBabylevifh defîgn ( r.) That the nature of man, which at deft was treated puree and holy, afterthe image ofGod, endowed with fuch a re£titude and riglateeufuefs,. an aas uecef,.iry and, dueunto it, tobring it unto that fupernatural end to which itwas ordained, is may al- together corrupted andbecome abominable, finful and,averfe. from goodness,, and that ehis torruption orconcupifcence is originally inherent inns, and derived from oar- firth paeants, is plentifully delivered in holy writ, as that which chiefly compelsus tOirfélf denial, and drivesus unto Chrift. Ilehold 1 was fbapen ír iniquity, arad'ia finditt4Wastber, conceive ere, faith David, Pfal. lv. 5. Where for the preile ofGod's goadnefi'lk6 aids MM., he bagins with the ca feffionofhis native pervorfeneIs, and of the finwherein he Was wrapped before he wasban. Neitherwoo this peculiar to him atone, he haddt floe live (a) Infantes funt fmplices, & itantes in eodym ft to in quo Admeme fuit ante nlap9ftl,YetilAtlit4ia. re. E4 ne. fat. R- (I) Nec refortan infant s tot fiat fidait n, an ethncor liben, ;delirium a im; qua infantium, cadentelf innocenria, Rem. Apot.fol. 87. (,.) Malum culpo. rum,pa,quia nata plane eft involuntarium, &c. ibid. fol. 84. from