ARMINIANISM. 37 from the.particular iniquity of his non, progenitors, but by an ordinary propagation from the common parer of us al', r too' in fume of us, Satan by this Pelagian attempt, by hiding the diièale, bath made it almoft incurable. For even Chofe infants, of whofe innocency the Amie ms b,lff, are unclean in the v,,dia of St. Paul, t. Cor. vii. 14. if not fan£1 ned by a t a teneft in thepromife of the covenant, and no unclean thing(tall enter into the kingdom of heaven. (si) The re.4efi of the members of infantsis inno- cent, and net their food, : they wane nothing, but that the members oftheir bodies are not as yet ready h,tiruments offn, they are rot Minn! only by era external denominati- on, accounted fo, her.wfeof the imparn2o,i ofAdarn's afkual tranfgreffion unto them; for they have all en roreferreo.rj, in them by nature, Job xiv. 4 from which they muff be cleanfed by the moping in r t .Y d the we,-d, Ephef v. zo. Their whole nature is over- lpreed with loch a-pollution, as is;properonly to fin inherent, and doth i`.ot accompany fin imputed ; as ave may fee in the example ofour Saviour, who was pure, immaco old late, holy, undefiled, . err the i .iqui y of; us all was imputed unto him : hence are thofe phrafes efaeafhí,rq .nn.y f, A£1 xxii. rb. Of ele.a fg filth, 'r. Per. iii. 2r. rites iii. g. fommethiag there is i tire,, as ilion as tthey are born, excluding them from the kingdom ofheaven, for except they alfe be born ¿gain ofthefpirit, theyfhali netenter into ir, Joll. iii. ç.. ( z.) The oppogtion that is made between the righteoufihef. of Chriftand the fin of Adarn,Rem. v.Which is theproper=feat ofeh's doarine;aheweth that there is is our nature an inbred fufùl corruption ; for the fin olAdaanlaolds fich relation unto fnners,proceed- ing from him by natural propagation, asthe righteouf.eis of Chrift dh re unto .thew, who areborn againof him by Ipiritual r rper.erm ion. But we are tray, iutrinfecally, and inherently fanfified by the fpü it and gace ofChrift : and therefore there is no reafon, why beingfo often in this chapr'ercalled fiuners, hecaufe of this original fin, we fhould raft it off; as if we were concerned only by an external denomimrcion, ihr the eight ioflirntion of thecomperifor, and its e. olbgy quite overthrows the folitary hopu- tation. (3.) All thole placesof fcripture, whichaffert the pronefs-of our nature to ellevil, and the utter difbility that is in us to do any good, that wretchedoppnfitio to the power ofgodliuef, wherewith from the womb we are repleoilhed, confirms the fame truth r but of tbefeplaces I (hall have enteric, to fpeak her eafter. (4.) The flefi, is the fcripture phrafe, is a owe lity (if I may fò fay) inherent in us.: for that, with its concupifcence, is oppolhd to the fpirit and his holinels, which is cer- tainly inherentin us. Now the whole man by nature is flelh r For than whirl is born of the fffb itftepa, loh. iii. 6. it isan inhabiting thing, e thing that dwelleth within, us, Rom. vii. 57. In brier, this vitiofity, fluMiners, and corruption ofour nature is laid open: [ s.] By all tholeplaces, which cart an afperfpis of guilt, or defert ofpunifhmen.t, or of pollution, on mature it felt; as Ephef. n. 1, 2, 3. IVe are dead in arefpabrer, anafins, being by nature childrenof wrath, as well ar others, being wholly incompaßed by afin th,t doth e.afily befit us. [2.] By them whichfix this original pravity in theheart, will, mind, and under- ftandiirg, Ephef. iv. 18. Rom. xìi. 2. Gem vi. g. C3.] By thofewhich poftively decypher this natural depravation, 1. Corinth. ii. t4. Rom. viii. q. [4.] That place it in the flefh; or whole man, Rent. vi. 6. Gal. v. 16. So that it is not a bare imputation ofanotrer's fault, but an intrìufecal adjacent corruption of our nature it felt; that we call by this name of original fin i bat alas ! it teems we ore too large carvers for our felves, in that wherewith we will not be contented. The Arminian, deny all filch imputation, as too heavy a charge for the pure un- blamable condition, wherein they are brought into this world ; theydeny, l fay, that they are guilty ofAdam's flu, as firming it him, or that his finis any way imputed unto us, whichis their fecond aifault upon the truth ofthis article offaith. (b) Adamfinned in his own proper perfon¡and ,here is nó reefer mhyGod fhould impute thatfm of his unto infants, faith Boots. The nature ofthe firft covenant, the right and power ofGod; the comperilon inftituted by the apoftle between Ada and Chiif}, the divine conhitution whereby Adam was appointed to be the head, fountain and origin of all ( a) Imbeeillitas membrorum in(antilium innocens eh, non animus, Aug. (b) Adamusín propriaper tona peccavit, & null, di ratiocur Deuspeccatum dyad infantibus impute[, Bor, in art:, 31. M human