Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

I S A R M I N I A N I S M. 39 an infirmity and languor Ofnature, prlbme lufcb thing: yet whatever it Be, theycojtf&is it lights on us, as well as him fa j Weconfefs.iaythey, thatthefin ofAdammayyMffius.. farfddto be imputed to'kispollerity, inafinuchasGod'worddhavethem all.bornobnoxioiis'tvybat fwtiflmetitj which Adamincurredbybtsfin: or penmirtedthat evil,-whichwas inflictedon hiptf ■ todefceridonthem. - Nowfoe this puiiiihment :what iit will,, never lb!finall,': yet. if we have no demerit dfiiourown,; ndrriritereftjiiJ&&w»’s finj it-is fiich an aftiof injufiiee,) as we muft reject from ’the moft holy:-•;with a Godfbrbid ; far be it froiiv,the>.judge o f all the world to punifirthe righteous, with the ungodly. IfGodfhOuld imputethe. fin, o f Adam unto us, arid:thefeon pronounce us\obnoxious to the curiedeferred by i t : if. we have a'pufe,' finleft, unlpotted-nature, even this could Icarce be reconciled with,tha.tr rule, 'ofhis proceedingiin juftice with the ibnsfof.men, The.fdul.thatfinneth'ihjhall dieij. which clearly granteth an impunity to all not tainted with fin. Sin and! punilhment,j though they are lonietimes leparatedby his mercy, pardoning; the lone,.arid lb riot, in- flifiing the other, yet never 'by his-juftice, infixing the latter, where, the former is*, not: fin imputed, by it -lelf alone without an inherent guilt, was never- punifbed vin: any, but Chrift : the unlearchablenelsofGod’slove arid juftice,.in layirig.theiniquity, o f us all’upon him, who had no-fin, is ameXception frorii.:that..general rule .he' walkethby, in his dealing with the pofterity oiAdam. So that iff punilhment be not; due unto us, for a lolely imputed fin, much left,when it dothlnot ftandwith thequftice.. and equity o fGod, to impute any. iniquity unto us all, can we juftly bewrapped in liichf a curie and punilhment, aswoful experience teacheth us, that we lye under; Now in this a£tofinjufiice wherewith they''chargethe.almightyi, the.Arminiaps place the'whole, nature oforigirial fin: .(b) Weaccountriot, fay they, ■originalfitf, for afin properlyfo.called,i thatJhouldmake thepofterityof Adam, todeferve: thewrathofGod, nor for anevil that mayj properlybecalleda punijhment \ but onlyforaninfirmityofnature. Which theyinterpret.tio' be a kind ofevil, that being’inflidea on Adam, God fuffereth todelcendupon his pofte- xity: lb all thedepravation of ■nature, the pollution, guilt, and concupileence,we derive from our firft parents, the imputation o fAdam’s aftual tranlgrelfiori is all ftreight-; ned to a lmall infirmity, -infti&ed on1poor innocent creatures.. .. But let them enjoy their own wifiion-i, which is earthly,1 lenliial and devililh: the leripture isclear, that the fin of Adam is the fin of us all, not only by propagation andj communicatiori (whereby not his lingular foult, but fomething of the lame nalure, is derived unto us) but alfo by an imputation of his aftual tranlgrefiion unto us all, his iirigulaf.dilbbediencebeing by this means made purs. The grounds o f this; imputation I touched before, which may be all reduced to.his being a common- perlbn gnd head;of ah our nature, which invefteth us;with a double intereft in.his demerits, whilft fixhe was. Firfi, as we Were then in him-and parts of him. Secondlyj as he luftriihed the place o f our whole nature, in the covenant God made with him, both which'•even according -to.the exigence of God’s juftice, require that his trarifgrelfion be alloaccounted ours* And is plain not only, that.byone marts offence, manyweremade 'finhers, Rom; 19. by the derivation of a corrupted naturey but alfo that..by oneman’s, offence, judgment came uponall, ver. 18. he affirmeth, that byone man.fin anddeathentreduponall theworld,: and thatbecaufewehavedllfinned in him: which we .no otherwile do, but that his tranf? grelfion in God’s eftimation is accounted.ours:: and the oppofition the apoftle there maketh between Chrift and his righteoufiiels,; and Adam arid his dilbbedience, both lufficiently evince it: as may appear by this figure: (e), ^ mfa.n'my.pi $ -The whole fimilitude chiefly confifts in the imputation ofAdam’s fin, and Chrift’s, righteoufiiels, unto the feed of the one % nature, and of the other by grace: but that we arecounted righteous for the righteoufiiels o f Chrift, is among proteftants (thbilgh ( a‘)Fatemm peccatum Adami, a Deo pofle diqlrimputaturn pofteris ejus, quatenus Deus pofterds Adami eidemmalo, cui, Adamusper peccatum'obnoSiim fe reddidit, obnoxiosnafci voluit; fivegjjJ- tenusDeus, malum, quodAdamoinfUftiun eratin p<feriatii, inj>ofierosejusdimanare&tranfire permifit, Rem. Apol. p. "$4.. ( A) Peccatum"'fiSqj; qriginale necjhaberitpro' peccato proprie difto, qiu$i •pofterosAdamiodio ©eidignosfaeiatj nfecpro.malo,‘.qiiod per modumproprie difte pcensafi Adamo .Aft JiKAicoffir , P®C 1k Adami, • j unuill \ Jixaiuua : . G ’ J Chrifti.‘ !:‘ in pofterosdemanet^Ted pro infirmitate,'&c.‘ite/»/j^ri. /«/.' 8 ^ 4;- - ’(o') Paneus. ad 5. Rom.'