Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .O8 1721

42 A DiSPLA1i Of mortal, a keeper of his own ever!aftingnefs. Death, to which before he was notob- noxious, wasthreatned as a punifhment of his fin : Inthe day thou eat ft thereof thou fhait furely die : the expofitionofwhich words, given byGod at the time ofhis i:dli&ingthis punilhment, and pronouncing man fubje& to mortality, clearlySheweth, that it corn- prehendeth temporal death alfo, DO thouart, and unto d ft thoufault return. Ourreturn to dull, is nothing but the foul's leaving, the body, whereby before it was preferved from corruption. Further, St. Pond oppofeth that death we had by the fin ofAdam, to the refurre£tion of the body by the power ofChrift : for fine by man came death, by man alfo carne the refurre£tionfrom the dead, for as in Adam all die, fo in Chrift Pall all be madealive, r Cor. xv. ar. 22.. The life which all Thall receive by the power of thrift at the laft day, is effentially a reunion of foul and body, and therefore their feparation is athing we incurred by the fin of Adam : the fame apofle alfo, Rem. v. defcribeth an univerfnl reignofdeath over all, by reafori of the firf tranfgreffion ; even difeafes alfo in the fcripture are attributed unto fin, as their meritorious caufe, yam v. 14. r Cor. xi. 30. Revel. ü. aa. And in refpehb ofall thefe, the mercy of God cloth not fo interpofe it felt; but that all the foes of men are in force fort partakersof them. ( 3. ) The finaldefert oforiginal fin, as ounarticle fpeaketh, is damnation : thewrath of God tobe poured on us, in eternal torments ofbody and foul. To this end alfo ma- ny previous judgments ofGod are fubfervient : as theprivationof originalrighteoef- nefs, which he took, and witheld, upon Adam'sthrowing it away ; fpiritual defertion, permilfionoffin, withall other deftroyirgdepravations of our nature, as far as they are meerly penal. Some ofwhich are immediate confequents ofAdam's frngular afbual tranfgreffìon, as privation of original righteoufüefs, others as damnation it fell he proper erfeasofthat derived fin and pollution that is inus ; there is none damned, but for their own fin. When divinesaffirm that by Adam'sfin we are guiltyof damnation, they do not mean,that any are aaually damned for his particular fart, but that by his fro, and our finning in him, by God's molt brit ordination, we have contrated that ex- ceeding pravity, and finfulnefsof nature, which deferveth thecaufe ofGod, and eter- nal damnation : it mutt be an inherent uncleannefs that a£tually excludes out of the kingdom of heaven, Revel. xxi. 27. whichuncleannefs the apoffle thewstobg in infants not fan&ified, by an intereft irr the covenant in brief, We are baptized unto the remiffon office, than memay befaved, A£t. ii. 38. that then whirls is taken away by baptifm, is that which hinders our falvation, which is not the firft fin of Adam imputed, .but our own inherent- luffand pollution : we cannot be waffled, and cleanfed, and purged from an imputedfin, which isdone by the laver of regeneration, from thatwhich liesupon usonlyby an external denomination, we have no need of cleaníing ; we may be faid, tobe freed from it, or juftified, but not purged; the foul then that is guilty offinShall die, and that for its own guilt. If God shouldcondemnus for original its only, itwere not by reafon ofthe imputation of Adam's fault, butof the iniquity of thatportioaof nature, in which we areproprietaries. Iliow here to fhut up all, obferve, that in this inquiry, ofthe defert of original fin : thequefion is not, what (hall be the certain lotof thofe that depart this life underthe guiltofthis fin only? But what this hereditary and native corruption dothdeferve, in all thofe in whom it is ? For as St. Paul faith,We judgenot then that are without,(efpecially infants) T. Cor. V. 13. but for the demerit of. it in the juffice of God, . our Saviour ex- pretty affirmeth, that unlefa a man be born again, he cannot enter into. the kingdom ofheaven, Joh. iii. and let them thatcan difinguifh betweena not goingtoheaven, and a going to hell: a third receptacle offoulsin the fèripture we find not ;. St. Paul alfo tells us, that by nature tee are childrenofwrath, Ephef: ii. 3. even originally and,attuallywe are guilty of, and obnoxiousunto that, which is accompanied with fiery .indignation, that Stall confirme tire adverfaries ; again, 'we arnàffuredthat no unclean thing Pallenter into heaven, Revel. xxi. with which hell-defervinguncleannefs children are polluted, and therefore unlefs it be purged with theblood ofChriil, they have no interef in everlafting happi- nefs. By this.means fin is come upon allto condemnation, and yetdo we not peremptoe rily cenfure tobell, all infants departing this world without the laver of regeneration, the ordinarymeans ofwaving the punlihment due to this pollution : that is the gaefti` on defaro, whièh we before reje£':ed ; Yea, and twoways there are, whereby God faveth foci: infants, fniatching them lilie bran's oat of the fire. 1.) Byinterefting them into the covenant, iftheir isnieetifate, or remote parents bane been believers ; he is a Godofthem and oftheir feed : extending hismercy unto i thoufand generationsofthem that fear him. a.) By