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ARMINIANISM. 43 2.) By his grace cfele&ion, which is :waft free, and not t cd to any conditions, by which I make no doubt, bat God taketh manyunto him in Chrift, whofe parer,; rever knew, or had been defpifers of the Gofpel : and this is the do&rir t of our church, agreeable to the fèriperrre, affirming the defect of original fin to be God's wrath wad asumation, to both which, how oppofite is the Arminiando&rive, may thus appear: S. S. By the offence ofene manjudgement came up- analltarewlenmarion, Rom. v.18. By one man's difbedrence many were made inners, verfe 19. Behold I wasfbapen in insiuity, and in fin did my mother conceive me, Pia'. li. q. Elfe wereyour children unclean, but nom they are holy, r. Cor. vii. l 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an un- clean I Nor one, Jobxiv. q. Except amenbe born again, hecannot fee the kingdomoj'God, John üì. 3. That which is born oftheAlt isfLjl,, John in 6. We amere by nature the children ofwratheven asothers, Ephef: ii. 3. By one eran fin entered into the world, and death byfin, andfe death paf d upon all men, for that all have finned: towit, inhim, Rom. v. 12. Fer I know that in me, that is in my flfr, drnelleth no good thing, Rom. 18. In the dayym eat thereof you(hellfurely die, Gen. er. 17. For as in Adam all die, fa r. Cor. xv. 22. By nature children of wrath, Ephef: ii. 3. And therelimn in no wife enter into it any thing that defileth, Revel. xxi. 27. Lib. Arbil. Adam fnn.ed in his own proper perfou only, and there is no reafor, why God Mould impute that fin unto infants, B.raus. It is ablirrd, that by oneman's difohedi- ence many fliould be made a&ualiy difobe- dient, Corvinos. Infants are imply in that efface in which Adamwas before his fall, l'enator. Neither is it conficlerablewhether they be the children ofbelievers, or ofheathens, for all infields have the fame innocency, Rem. Apt. That which we have by birth can he no evil ofrïn, becaufe to be born isplainly in- voluntary, Idem. Original fn, is neither a fin properly fo called, whidafhoutd make the pofterity of Adam guilty ofGod's wrath, nor yeta puuilirment ofany fin on them, Rem. Aprl. It is agaioft equity that one fhoutdbe ac- counted guilty of fin, that is nothis own, that he mould be judged nocent, who in regard of his own will is truly innocent. God neither cloth, nor can in jufiice, ap- point any to hell for original fin, Reno. App1. It is perverfely fpoken that original lüy makes any oneguilty of death, .Armin. We nó way doubt toaffirm that severa- ny one wasdamned for original fin, Corejano. c1P.Oilf? :F fe.1e,eoil :z ci,..._mxl .;sl :byt a?10 ,á °.0.i oz0100 00 C H A P. VIII. Ofthe /late of Adam before thefall, or oforiginal right'eoufnefs. . IN the íäií chapter wedifeovered the Arminianattempt, ofreadvancing the corrupt, ed nature of man into that Rate of innocency and holinefs, wherein it was at firft by God created: inwhich defign, becaufethey cannot butdifèeén that the frrccefs is not aufverable to their defìres, and not being ableto deny, but that for fb muchgoód as we want, having call it away, or evil of fin that we are fubjefe unto, more thanwd wereat our firft creation, wemuff be refponfibie Ihrthe juftice of God g they labour t6 draw down our fief} parents even from theànflant oftheir forming, into the fäme cón- dicier whetein the are ingaged by reafim of corruperd nature. But truly I fear, they will fcarce obtain fò profperous au iffrre of their endeavour, as Mahámet had, whënlle promifed the people, he wouldcalla mountain unto him : which miracle they affembled to behold.. butwhen the mountain would not Ilir for all his calling, he replyed, Ifthe mountain willnot come toMahomet, Mahomet will go to the mountain, and away he packed towards it; but we 1hall find that ourArminian: canneither themfelvesclimb the high mountainof innocency, nor yet call it down into the valleyäf Irr and Cocrifs ptron, wherein they are lodged. We have fern already how vain and frufirate. was their former attempt : let us now take a view of their afpiring infolence, in making the