48 A DISPLAY of they did cure every particular difeale, but there was no kind ofdilèafe, that was exempted from their power of healing :. fi> that where it is fàid, that Chrifi died for all, it is meant either, Firaft, all the faithful; or Secondly, fome ofall forts; Thirdly, not only Jews, but Gentiles t For, : z. The proper com:fel and intention of God,. in feúdinghis fon into theworld todie, . wasthat thereby he might confirm and ratify the new covenant to. his ele&, and pur- chafe for them, all the good things, which arecontained is the tenure of that covenant to wit, grace, and glory : that by his death he might bring many ( yet Tome certain ) children to glory, obtaining for them that were given unto hisvby his father, that is, his whole church, reconciliation with God, remit ion of fins, .faith, righteoufioefs,. fad&ification and lifeeternal. That is the end, to which they are to be brought,-and. the means whereby God will have them attain it 'he died that lee might gather the difperfed children of God, and make them partakers of everlafling glory, to give eternal life to all that God gave unto him, John xvii. z. And on this parpole of him- felf, and his father, is founded the irterceffronofChrift for his rleft and chofen people, performed partly on the earth, Jobn xvii. partly in heaven before the throne of grace which isnothing but a prefentation ofhimfelf, and his merits, accompanied with the prayers of his mediarorlhip before God, that he .would be pleated to grant, and elfeftuallyto apply thegood things he hathby them obtan.ed, to all for whomhe hash obtained them : his interceffion in heaven is nothing but acontinued oblation ofhimfelf. So that whatfoeverChrift impetrated, merited, or obtained, by his death and pillion,' muff be infallibly applied unto, and beftowed upon them, for whom he lute ded to obtain it, or elfe his intercelliion is vain, he is not heard in the prayers of his mediator- Ship an a&ua1 reconciliation with God, and communication of grace and glory, muff needs betide all them that have any filch intereft in the righteou6aefs of Chrift, asto have it accepted for their good ; the foie end, why Chrift would fo dearly purchafe thofe good things, is an a&ual application ofthem unto his chaffer,: God fee forth the propitiation Of his blood, for the remi%on of fins, that he might be the jfifer of him that believeth on germ, Rom. iii. 25, 26. But this part ofthe controverfy is not that which I principally intend, only I will give you a brief lam of thole realbns, which over-. throwtheir herefy in this particular branch thereof. (1.) The death of Chrift is in divers placesof the fcriptnre reftrained to his people, and ele&, his church, and Iheep, Marth. i. z,. )bhn x. 11, 12, 53. .Aas xx. 28. Ephef. Y. 25. Nix xi. 52. Rom. viii. 32, 33. Heb. ii. 10, 13. Revel. v. 9. Dan. ix. 27. And therefore the good purchafed thereby, Ought not to be extended to dogs, reprobates, and thole that are without. (z.) For whomChrift died, he died as their fponfor, iii their room and turn, that he might free them from the guilt, and defert of death, which is clearly expreffed, Rom. v. 6, 7, 8. He was mounded for our tranfgrefiosr, he was bru(ld for ur iniquities,. thech ft ferrent of our peace was upon him, andwith his firipes we are healed, Ilea. liii. g, 6, &c. He bath redeemed us from the curfe, being made a curfe for ris,' Galat. in. r 3. He made him to befn for us, mha knew no fn, t Cor. e. 31. Evidently he changeth turns withus, 'that we mightbe made the eighteoufihefs of God in him : yea in ocher things, it is plain isthe fcripture, that todie ter another, is to take his place and room, with an intention that he should live, z Sam. xviii. 33., kom. v. So that Chrift dying for men, made fatisfa&ion for their fins, that they fhould not die: now for what Irma he made Eatisfation, for them for the fins of the reprobates, tbecaafe he ¡silly punifheth them to which eternity upontthem- felves, Marsh. v. 26. (3.) For whom Chrift died, for them allo he role again, to make intercefGon for them, for whole offences he was delivered, for their juftilcationhe was railed, Rom. iv. zq. and chap. 9. 1o. He is a high pri Jl to make inters on for them in the bolieft ofholies, for whom by hisblood he obtained everlafting redemption, Heb. ix. 11, 12. Thofe two ads of his priefthood are not to be feparated, it belongs to the fame mediator for fin, to lícririce, and pray ; one affurance that he is our advocate, is grounded on his. being a propitiation for our fins : he is an advocate for every one, for whole fins his blood was e propitiation, 1 she 2. 1, z. But Chrift doth not intercede, and pray for all, as himfelf often wrtneffeth, oho xvii. He maketh interceliion only lbr them, mho come unto Goof by him, Heb. vii. z}. He is not a mediator of them that perifh, no more than au aivocm re of them that fail in their faits, and therefore the benefit of his death alfomoil be reftrainedto them, who are finallypartakers of both : we melt nit