A$1VIINIANTSM. 49 fo disjoyn the offices of Chriff's mediatorfhip, that oneof them may be verfeted about fume cowards whom heexercifeth not the other; much left ought we fo to feparate the feveral alts ofthe fame office. For whomChrift is a prieft, to offer himfelf afacrifice for their fins, he isPurely aking, toapply the good things purchafed by his death unto them, as Arminius himfelf coufeffeth ; much more to whcm he is a Fief by lì:crifice he will be aprieft by interceffïnn :. and therefore, fieinghe doth not intercede and pray for every one, he did not die for every one. (4.) Forwhom Chrift died, he merited grace, and glory, faith, and falvation, and reconciliation with God, as 1 Mali thew hereafter but thishe hath not dosefor all, and every one : many do never believe, thewrath of God remaineth upon fome, the wrath ofGad abiderhan them that do not believe, n Yaha iii. 16. To abide, arguerha continued uninterrupted aft; now to be reconciled to one, and yet to lie under his heavy anger, feem tome ¿eis:ra, things that. will karte confil together : the =folks are many, I only point at theheadsoffome.of them. (5.) Chrift died for them, whomGodgave unto him, to be fiived,Thine theywere, and then gaveft themunto. me, Joh. xvii. 6. He layeth dawn hit life for the fheep committed to his charge, John x. t t. But all are not the fheep of Chrift, all are not givenunto him ofGod, tobe broughttoglory : for ofthofe that are fo given, there is not one that perilheth, forhe giveth eternal' life to RS may as Gad haih given him, John xvii. 2. No man it able topluck themout of hisfather's hands, chap. x. ab, 2.9. (6.) Look whom, and. how many, that love of God embraced, that was the caufe offending his fon to redeem them ; for them, and fo many, did Chriftaccording to the counfel ofhis father, and inhimfeif intentionally, lay down his life : now this love is not u niverfal, beinghis good pleafùre of blelling with fpiritual bl'effings, and living fomein Chriß,.Ephef i. 4, 5. Which good pleafureof his, evidently compreherdeth fome, whenothers are excluded, Matti. xi. 25, 26. Yea the love of God ingiving Chrift for us, is of the fame extent,-.with that grade, whereby he calleth us to faith, or be- ítoweth faithon us : For he bath called 'us with an holycalling according to hit own purpafe and grace, rohich watgiven ut la yefes Chrift, a Tim. 2. 9. Which doubtlefs is net univerfal and common unto all. hnnumerableother reafons thereare to prove, that feting God bath given' his elea only, whom only he loved, toChrift to be redeemed ;- and feeing that the fon loveth only thofe who are given him ofIris father, and redeemeth only whom he loveth ; fee- ing alío that the holy fpirit, the love of the father arid the fon, fanftifieth all, .and only them that are ele£ted, and redeemed ; it is not our part, with a prepofterous liberality agáinft the witnefsof Chrift himfel , to affign the Salvation attained by him, as dueto them thatare without thecongregation of them whom the father leach loved, and chafen, withoutthat church whichthe 1ón loved and . gave his life forit, and ofthe members of that fanftified body, whereofChrift is the head and Saviour. l urgeno more, becaufe this isr.ot that part of the controverfy that I defire to lay open. I come now to confider the main- gneftion of this difference, though fparingly, handled by our divines; cmxernirig what our Saviour merited, and purchafed for them .for whom he died. And here you fhallfind theold idol playing his pranks, and quite ivefting the merit ofChrift, from the leaftability or powerof doing us any good; for -though the Arminian pretend very fpecioufly, that Chrift died for all men; yet in effeft,:.they make him die for no one man at all; and that by denying theeffe&ual operation of his death, and afcribing the proper iffue of his pallon to the brave indeavoursoftheir own Aelagiandelay. We, accordingto the fcriptures, plainly believe, that Chrift hath by his righteouf- nefs, 'merited for us grace and glory ; that we are bleffed with all fpiritual blef ings, in, through, and for him ; that is, made unto us righteoufrrefs, and fanftification, and redemption ; that he hash procured for us, and that Godfor his fake, beftoweth on as everygrace: in this life, that maketh us differ from others, andall that glory we hope for, in that which isto come; he procured for us remiflion of all our fins, and ghat reconciliation with God, faith, and obedience. Yea, but this is filch a defperate do£erire, as ffabs at the very heart of the idol; and would make him as altogether ufelefs, as if he were but a figtree legg i what remainerin for himto do, ifall things in this great workof our falvation, malt be thus afcribed unto Chrift, and the merit of his death? Wherefore the wodhippers of this great God, Lib. Arbil. oppofe their engines againft the' whole fabrick, and cry down the title of Chrilt's merits, to thefe, fpiritual blelfings, inthe behalf of their imaginary deity. -' p Now