AR MINIANIS M. 5i properly to die, to fave any one. And a little after he more fully declares himfel , (a) That after Cbrifl had obtained all than hedid obtain by his death, the right remainedwholly in God, to apply it, or not to apply it, as irfho ld feem good untohim : the a; plication ofgrace andglory, toany rae , was not the endfor which Chrift obtained them, but to oct a right and power unto God, of blowing chofe things on what fort ofMen he world' which argues no re- demption of us thornour fins, but a vindication ofGod from fach a condition, wherein he had no power to forgivethem ; not an obtainingof falvation for us, but ofa liberty unto God of faring us, on Tomecondition or other. But r000after Godhath got this powerby the death ofChrift, and out of his gracious good pleafùre, affered faith to he the means for us to attain thofe' blefiugs, he hath procured himfelf aliberty to below. Did Chrift obtain this faith for us of him ; ifit be a thing not in our own patron ? No : (b ) Faith not obtained by the death of Chrift, faith Corvinus : fo that there is no good thing, no fpiritual bleffng, into which any man in theworld loath any intereft by the death of Chrift ; which is not fo great an abfurdity, but that they are mof ready to grant it. ( c) Arnoldusconfeffeth, that he be. liaves, that thedeath ofaryl- might have enjoyed its red, or his merit its full force although -never anyhad believed: and again, (d) the death and f tisf,flion ofChrfl being aceompl,tjhed, it might come to pats, that none Milling the conditionof the nem covenant, noneAmid ! be faved, fo alfo faith Grerinchevius. Oit Chrift ! That any pretending toprofefi thy holy name, fhould thus flight the preciouswork ofthy deathand pafìon ! Surely, never any before, who counted ittheir becalledChriffians, did ever thus extenuate ( their friends the Socinians only excepted ) the dignity ofhis merit and fatisfaffion : take but a /hart view of what benefit they allow to redound to us, by the effufronofhis precious blood, and you may fee what a pefiilent herefy thefe men have laboured to bring into the Church : neither faith nor falvation, grace nor glory, bath he purchafed for us, not any fpiritualblelfng, that by our iniereft in his death we can claim to be ours; it is not fuch a reconciliation with God, as that he thereupon fhould be contented againto be called out God; it is not ¡unification, nor righteoufrefs, noraftual redemption from our fins, it didnot make làtisfà &ionfor our iniquities, and deliver ris from the curfe'; O only it was a means ofobtaining fach a p fbiliry of falsario,,, as that God withoutwronging 'ofhis jlice right rave ús ifhe would, one way or other. So that when Chrift had done all that he could, there was not one man in the world immediately the better for it : not- withftandingthe utmof ofhis endeavour, every one might have been damned with Yodas to the pit ofhell : (f) for he diedas well for SimonMagus and 7tdas, as he did for Peter andPaul, fay the Arminian. Now, ifno more good redound to us by the dealt ofChriff, than to Simon Magus, we are not much obliged tohim for our falvation nay, he may be ratherPaid to have redeemed God, thanus, forhe procured for him, immediately a power to redeemus ifhe would ; for us only by virtue of thaepower, a poffbility to be redeemed ; which leases nothing of the natureof merit annexed to his death, för that deferred, that fomeshing bedone, not only that it may be done : the workman deferveth thathis wages be given bim, and not that it may be given him. And then , what becomes of ail the comfort and confolation that is propofed to us itsthe death Áf "Chrif? but it is time to fee how this nubble is burnedand confumed by the word of 'God, and that eflablilhed which they thoughtto overthrow. [ r.] It is clear that Chrift stied to procure for us an aftual reconciliationwith God'; -andnot only a power for cis tobe reconciled unto him : for when we wereenemies, we were reconciled to God, by the death ofhisfon, Rom. v. -a o. We enjoy an aEtual reco: ciliado,, -unto Godby his death ; he iscortei.t to be called our Goct, when we are eiremies, with- out the interveningofany condition onour part required : though the fveetnefs, com- fort, and knowledge of thisreconciliation, do not compafs our fouls before.ave believe in 'him. Again, we have remilfon of fans by his blood, and ¡unification from t,em, not aPole vindication into fich an elate, wherein, if it pleafe God, and our .felves, oak (a) Poltquam impetratio preftita anperaffa rifts, Deo at fuam inteirnm manGt, pro arbitrio Gro ,cam applicare, velnon applieare, nec applicando finisirrpetrationis propr,e fuit, fed jus& poteltas ape pi xndi, quibus & qualibus seller, peg. 9. (i) Fides ft impetrnta merito pwifti, &. fft. ed'DZl 28. S 09 f)S- I feu faille, urfi s t Chilli c ftaret, team fi o T dd ff [ id p up J 7 g 4. (d) Ponta & pr Aot Ch St flare& fatnfatirone, lieu poteft, ut némmé nevi fade icenditionem pre(tante,nemo faimaretur, idea. Grtsir,. dd it f fol. 9.. (e) Iinpetrati9 falutis pro omnibus, eft acquifrtiopofübilitatis, ut nimirum Deus itlæfa fun juftitia hominem peccatorem point recipere in gratiam, Rem. c'o0. Hg. P. 17e. (f) Pro jada as Petro nooyrujq ch Çhriftas,& proSfinone Map & f ida tampro Paulo Petro, Rem. Synod. Pol. 310. . fins